摘要: |
城市棕地再生带来了政治、经济、环境、社会和工程方面的挑战,特别是当此类用地受到严重污染或者涉及需要彻底改变此类场地的用地性质时。然而,这些棕地通常与现有交通站点紧密相连,且临近就业或商业节点。风景园林师通过运用结构化的设计与实践方法,处于引领棕地再生的有利位置,此类方法更倾向于协议、策略和导则,而非固化的总图,并在设计过程中融入生态学、可持续性策略和社区参与。 |
关键词: 风景园林 城市棕地 棕地再生 风景园林师 |
DOI: |
基金项目: |
Regenerating Urban Brownfield Sites |
(Australia) James Hayter,,Translated by ZHANG Zhi,QI Liangxuan,Proofread by ZHENG Xiaodi |
Abstract: |
The transformation of urban brownfield sites presents political, economic, environmental, social and engineering challenges, particularly where these sites are highly contaminated or they entail a complete change of land use from that previously existing. However, these sites are also often well connected and linked to existing transportation and they are often close to employment or commercial nodes. Landscape architects are well placed to lead the regeneration of brownfield sites by utilising a structured approach to design and implementation that favours protocols, strategies and guidelines over fixed master plans, and integrates into the design process ecology, sustainability and community participation. |
Key words: landscape architecture urban brownfield transformation of urban brownfield site landscape architects |