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关键词:  园林植物  认知取类  品赏用度  静圃  《能静居日记》
Analysis of Plants Application in Jing Garden in Changshu in the Late Qing Dynasty
LI Xiao,ZHANG Qun,YIN Shuaike
In the process of scholar garden construction, the purchase, selection, planting and appreciation of garden plants are complicated and necessary processes. Jing Garden, which is named Zhao Garden now, in Changshu, Jiangsu Province, was built by the literati Zhao Liewen in the late Qing Dynasty. By analyzing Zhao's diary, The Diary of Nengjing Dwelling, and other historical materials, this paper attempts to interpret the application process and mode of plants in Jing Garden from the 4th year of the reign of Emperor Tongzhi to the 13th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxuin Qing Dynasty under the literati's common aesthetic standard. The paper is aimed at obtaining some historical understandings about the plants in Jiangnan scholar garden in the late Qing Dynasty: the plants mainly come from purchase in Suzhou flower market, presents from friends and directly transactions with planters; the plants in the garden are distinguished by ground planting and potted landscape, but the species selection has no significant difference from the varieties given by Gao Lian, Wen Zhenheng and Li Yu's books, on the basis of regular maintenance, it is necessary to ensure that flowers in garden can be admired at each of four seasons, among which peach blossom, lotus, chrysanthemum, plum are the most cherished beauties, and the practical functions of plants has been continued.
Key words:  landscape plant  cognition and selection  appreciation and usage  Jing Garden  The Diary of Nengjing Dwelling

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