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日本枯山水嬗变过程及其在中国的 发展与创新
日本枯山水可谓之精神庭园,其形成和发展不仅与中 国文化的渗入有关,同时也与日本的自然和社会因素相关。通过 梳理与归纳相关文献与古籍,可得三方面结论:其一,枯山水原 型可溯至日本古代,其造型以模拟自然、写实为主;其二,镰仓 时代由于政治、禅宗等因素,枯山水被赋予“禅意”色彩,表现 为筑山写意之特征;其三,室町时代受宋代山水画、军事,以及 山水河原者介入造园等因素影响,枯山水最终表现为平庭写意之 样式。中国现阶段仿建的平庭写意类枯山水与禅意无关,未来应 结合中国自然和社会等因素进行演变与创新。
关键词:  风景园林  日本园林  枯山水  禅宗  净土园林
The Evolution of Japan's Kare San Sui and ItsDevelopment and Innovation in China
XIONG Chuan,DENG Ge,JIN Hexian,LI Sheng
Japan's Kare San Sui can be said to be a kind of spiritual garden, and its formation and development is not only related to the combination of Chinese culture, but also to the natural and social factors of Japan. Through the analysis and summary of relevant literature and ancient books, three conclusions can be drawn: first of all, the prototype of Kare San Sui can be traced back to the ancient times of Japan, and its landscape features are mainly simulated natural realism; secondly, during the Kamakura Period, due to political and Zen factors, Kare San Sui was endowed with the color of "Zen", and its performance characteristic is the magnificent river mountain, and thus achieves the deep and rich scene; third, the Muromachi Period, influenced by the Song Dynasty landscape painting, military, Kawaramono joining in the construction of gardens, and other factors, Kare San Sui is a highly imaginative artistic generalization with lyrical characteristics of landscape painting. Today's social imitation in China has nothing to do with Zen in expressing emotions such as Kare San Sui through gardens. In the future, it should evolve and innovate in combination with China's natural and social factors.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Japanese garden  Kare San Sui  Zen  pure land garden

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