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人为噪声对生物多样性及动物行为已产生多方面的影响,成为造成生物多样性下降的不可忽视且更加隐蔽的因素,中国相关研究较为缺乏。保护地作为物种和生物多样性保护的首要空间,也日益受到人为噪声的影响,而国内此类研究更是鲜有报道。以云南大山包国家级自然保护区为例,调查了保护区内的人为噪声类型、声级和分布;研究所指的人为噪声包括交通噪声和游客噪声。通过CandaA和GIS模拟了保护区内交通噪声的影响范围,并基于欧盟寂静地标准模拟了游客噪声的影响范围。进而基于上述结果,分析了人为噪声对于大山包自然保护区栖息地濒危物种黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)的潜在影响。研究揭示,大山包自然保护区的黑颈鹤全部夜栖地和重要日间觅食地皆处于交通噪声的影响之下,尤其以大海子所受影响最大。交通和游客噪声形成的明显叠加效应,扩大了噪声影响范围。游客噪声与黑颈鹤鸣叫在480~2 000Hz范围产生了较大重叠,以1 000Hz重叠度最高;游客噪声对黑颈鹤影响明显,30名游客可产生75dBA噪声,影响范围可达480m。人为噪声可直接影响黑颈鹤的夜栖和觅食行为,进而影响其生境选择与空间分布,因此建议保护区加强对游客流量及行为的限制、提升观测设施隐蔽度及消声效果、控制重点区域车流量,以达到更好的黑颈鹤保护目的。基于此,也对类似的自然保护地的声景保护与管理提出了建议。
关键词:  风景园林  噪声模拟  黑颈鹤  自然保护地  声景管理
Environmental Noise Distribution Predicting and Its Potential Impacts on Black-necked Cranes in Dashanbao Nature Reserves, Yunnan, China
XU Xiaoqing,FENG Jingjie,KONG Dejun
Anthropogenic noise has caused tremendous impacts on biodiversity and animal behavior, and has become an indispensable factor causing biodiversity decrease potentially. While there is a lack of relevant research in China, protected area as the first priority for species and biodiversity conservation has been increasingly affected by anthropogenic noise. This paper took Dashanbao Nature Reserves of Yunnan Province as an example and investigated the type, sound level and distribution of anthropogenic noise there. The anthropogenic noise referred to in this study includes traffic noise and tourist noise. The spatial distribution of traffic noise was simulated by GIS and CandaA, while that of tourism noise was predicted according to the standard of Quiet Area in EU Noise Directive. Based on the results acquired, potential impact of anthropogenic noise on the endangered species Grus nigricollis in Dashanbao nature reserves was analyzed. It turned out that tourism noise and tweet sound of Grus nigricollis had a large overlap in the 480-2000Hz range, with the highest overlap at 1000Hz. Tourist noise has a significant impact on Grus nigricollis, and 30 tourists can generate 75dBA noise, with the impact range reaching 480m. Anthropogenic noise can directly affect Grus nigricollis's nocturnal and foraging behaviors, which in turn affects its habitat selection and spatial distribution. Therefore, it is proposed that the nature reserves should strengthen the restrictions on tourist flows and behaviors, increase the concealment of observation facilities and the noise reduction effect, and control traffic flows in key areas, to achieve better protection of Grus nigricollis. Based on this, the research also puts forward suggestions on the protection and management of soundscapes of similar nature reserves.
Key words:  landscape architecture  noise simulation  black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis)  nature reserves  soundscape management

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