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关键词:  风景园林  大运河  塔院  理景  城市景观  整体性视野
Design for the Pagoda and "Pagoda Precinct" along the Grand Canal: Heritage Value Interpretation and Landscape Promotion
RONG Qingwen,SHEN Yang
It is not only effective to discover and understand the traditional design wisdom and thinking mode in historic construction logic by comprehending built cultural heritage from the perspective of the holistic urban landscape, but also to meet the heritage conservation requirements as well as the urban development needs after the heritage site's being listed as World Heritage. Taking the landscape design for the surrounding areas of a reconstructed pagoda located on the bank of the Grand Canal as a case, this paper discusses how to comprehensively interpret the values of heritage as well as to promote urban functions in heritage conservation and landscape design after the Grand Canal's being listed. Through an analysis on the historical pagodas and their pagoda precincts as specific cultural landscape elements along the Grand Canal, this paper points out the integrated historic construction logic, and the multiple attributes with which these landscapes were endowed. Based on this, it is showed by the case that an integrated perspective is an effective strategy to meet the urban and human needs after being listed as World Heritage. The landscape design should return to the urban and rural background rather than separated from it, and only in this way can the landscape design make more positive contributions to the city.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Grand Canal  pagoda precinct  landscape design  urban landscape  integrated perspective“

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