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基于时空路径的城市绿地享用公平性 研究——以成都市新、旧城区为例
关键词:  风景园林  绿地享用公平  时空路径  时空制约  时间短缺型人群
The Equity of Urban Green Space Enjoyment Based on the Spatial-temporal Approach—A Case Study of the New and Old City Areas of Chengdu
ZHANG Lingfei,XU Yuhui,TAN Shaohua,YU Bingjie
This paper starts from the perspective of time and space behavior, and uses the resident activity log to integrate the spatial and temporal path datasets of the green space users in the new and old urban areas, to identify the potential available green space distribution and population characteristics under different time and space elasticity, and to enjoy the green space time and space. The quantitative model analyzes the fairness of the green space in the new and old urban areas of Chengdu in the three dimensions of "time-space-behavior". The results show that: 1) the spatial pattern of green space in the new and old urban areas is significantly different in terms of radiation range, spatial differentiation when enjoying intensity, and the enjoyment of tour rhythm; 2) the identification and addition of types is of great significance to improve the fairness of the overall green space in the area; 3) to identify and analyze the unfairly enjoying the green space in terms of time and space behavior, for high demand and low allocation, high allocation and low enjoyment, time and space. It has a positive guiding role in adjusting the green space layout of the mismatched area, guiding the crowds to navigate the peaks, enhancing the space and time inclusiveness of the green space, and building a smart garden city.
Key words:  landscape architecture  enjoyment equity of green space  spatial-temporal path  spatial-temporal constraint  time-poor group

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