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水生态系统服务供需视角下的水网乡村 适应性规划策略——以吴江张鸭荡片区为例
关键词:  风景园林  水生态系统服务  供需视角  水网乡村  适应性规划
Study on Rural Adaptability Planning Strategy of Water Network from the Perspective of Water Ecosystem Service Supply and Demand—A Case Study of Wujiang Zhangyadang Area
DING Jinhua,JI Ran
Southern Jiangsu rural area has always been the first area of rural construction in China. The special crisscross water network structure constitutes a complex system, showing the complexity and ecological particularity that other areas do not have. With the expansion of cities and towns, the development and construction of villages make the balanced development of water network villages face great challenges. The traditional static planning method gradually shows that it cannot meet the needs of economic and social development. Taking water as the core of rural areas in southern Jiangsu Province, this paper explores the adaptive planning strategy of water network villages from the perspective of water ecosystem service supply and demand, which is more suitable for the current situation and demand of rural areas. Based on the translation of the traditional rural spatial form of water network, this paper establishes the evaluation system of water ecosystem supply and demand service, and analyzes the supply and demand differentiation mode and the contradiction between supply and demand on the basis of the evaluation of water ecosystem service supply and demand capacity. From the three aspects of optimizing the spatial distribution of imbalance between supply and demand, improving the self-adaptability of supply and demand balance, and strengthening the multi scenario control and management, this paper puts forward the adaptive planning strategies for the water network villages in southern Jiangsu, and puts forward new ideas for the ecological practice of the water network villages.
Key words:  landscape architecture  water ecosystem service  supply and demand perspective  water network countryside  adaptive planning

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