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建成环境如何影响老年人绿地使用频率 ——基于可达性和吸引力双重视角
关键词:  风景园林  城市绿地  建成环境  老年人  体力活动
How the Built Environment Affect the Frequency of Green Space Used by the Elderly—Based on the Dual Perspective of Accessibility and Attractiveness
WANG Xiaoyue,YANG Dongfeng
The frequency of use of green space by the elderly is closely related to the level of physical activity and the quality of healthy life, and is heavily dependent on the green space itself and the surrounding built environment. In view of the limitations of existing research focusing on accessibility analysis, from the dual perspectives of accessibility and attractiveness, combined with the survey data of the elderly green space activity in Dalian, the author deeply explores the statistical correlation between the built environment and the frequency of use of green space by the elderly. The study found that compared with spatial proximity, the actual accessibility of green space has a more significant impact on the activities of the elderly; the type of green space plays a role in regulating the frequency of use of the elderly, and community parks and gardens are important places for high-frequency physical activity; and high-quality landscape synergy, mixed with residential land, adjacent living streets and surrounding diversified network layouts, can positively adjust the frequency of use of green space by the elderly. In order to create an elderly-friendly green space, a structured green space environment optimization strategy is proposed from the aspects of spatial configuration, function induction, path accessibility and location shaping.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban green space  built environment  elderly  physical activity

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