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重塑生活场域:英国乡村景观遗产地 活动策略研究及启示
以乡村庄园为代表的英国乡村景观遗产保护有着悠 久的实践历史,其近20年来借助系统而丰富的活动设置和灵 活的空间利用,从过去静态的博物馆式保护模式向融入当前各 阶层、各年龄段公众生活的可持续场所转变,代表着当前世界 乡村景观遗产保护与发展的理论与实践方向。通过对英国英格 兰地区36处乡村庄园遗产地的实地考察,结合以文献综述、 调查访问和案例分析为主的研究方法,梳理英国乡村景观遗产 保护理念转向注重活动、与公众健康与福祉相联系的发展历 程,从组织机构、活动类型与活动保障探讨其活动安排策略, 并结合中国乡村景观遗产实际总结出以“多元价值”为本、以 “儿童活动”为基、以“协同资源”为纲、以“公众参与”为 领的经验启示。
关键词:  风景园林  英国  乡村景观遗产  文化景观  乡 村庄园  活动策略
Re-establishing the Fields of Life: The Study and Revelation of the Tactics behind British Rural Heritage Landscape Sites
TANG Hui,FENG Siyi,ZHU Kai,(UK) Ian Thompson
The protection practice of the British rural heritage landscapes containing country historical estates as target representatives has been significantly influencing the directions for the protection and development of the worldwide rural heritage landscapes theoretically and practically. This is the result from over the past 20 years, their adoption of the systematic, abundant activity settings, flexible space designs, and the inspirational involvement from a static museumstyle preservation model to a more sustainable conservation model encouraging the integration of the social life across different classes and ages. This article is based on field trips to 36 country heritage estates in the U.K., and it includes literature review, survey interviews and case studies to look at how the development of the protection approaches to British rural heritage landscape has become the nowadays interactive activities based, public health and benefit focused experience; to discuss their on-site activities enabling tactics from the perspectives of organizational structure, activity types and activity security; and to refer to the existing situation of Chinese rural heritage landscapes. In the final chapter this article aims to raise suggestions for the pursuit of diverse values within the contemporary context, the space design and utilization targeting children's group, the effectiveness of the integration of landscape heritage resources, and the success in attracting community support.
Key words:  landscape architecture  British  rural heritage landscape  cultural landscape  country estate  activity strategy

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