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基于遮阴率的湿热地区慢行道热舒适 特征研究
慢行道设计对景观、空间尺度及与环境的协调都有 相应的要求,各景观构成要素对微气候环境,如太阳辐射遮 挡、温湿度分布及风场都有一定的影响,其中行道树遮阴是影 响慢行道热环境的主要因素。依据遮阴率指标选取典型慢行 道,对其微气候要素进行连续观测,同时向步行和骑行人群发 放问卷调研,获取慢行道的热环境水平及人群的热特征,采用 标准有效温度(SET* )指标结合SPSS软件的回归分析方法对慢 行道的热舒适进行量化评价,得出影响人群的微气候因素偏 好、热舒适区域及出行时的热期望,构建以“遮阴率-热环 境-热期望”的慢行道微气候环境评价策略。最后,以广州市 一处实际室外场地为例,采用ENVI-met 4.0 CFD模拟耦 合RayMan软件的方法,探讨建立在热环境、热舒适量化实 证基础上的慢行道热环境评价方法。
关键词:  风景园林  行道树  慢行道  遮阴率  热环境  热舒适
Study on Thermal Comfort Characteristics of Slow Traffic Road in Humid and Hot Area Based on Shading Ratio
JIANG Yi,XU Feng,XIONG Ying,LIU Zhixin,ZHAO Lihua
The slow traffic road design has corresponding requirements on the landscape, spatial scale, and coordination with the environment. Each landscape component has a certain influence on the microclimate environment, such as solar radiation shelter, temperature and humidity distribution, and wind field. Among them, the shading of street trees is the main factor affecting the thermal environment of slow track. According to the shading rate index, typical slow traffic lanes are selected to observe the microclimate elements continuously, and the questionnaire surveys are issued to the pedestrian and riders to obtain the thermal environment level of the slow track and the thermal characteristics of the crowd. The thermal comfort of slow track was evaluated quantitatively by SET* index and the regression analysis method of SPSS software. The factors affecting thermal discomfort, thermal preference, thermal comfort and travel demand of the crowd were obtained. The evaluation strategy of the microclimate environment of slow track was constructed with "shading ratio-thermal environment-heat expectation". Finally, an actual outdoor site in Guangzhou city was taken as an example to evaluate the thermal comfort of slow track. The method of ENVI-met 4.0 software simulation coupled RayMan software was used to discuss the optimization design method of urban slow track based on quantitative demonstration of thermal environment and thermal comfort.
Key words:  landscape architecture  roadside tree  slow traffic road  shading ratio  thermal environment  thermal comfort

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