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风景园林学健康研究领域文献系统综述和 研究前沿分析
营造健康舒适的人居环境是风景园林规划设计和科学研究的核心目标。健康作为风景园林学的重要研究领域,尚有广阔的发展空间。以2008—2020年Web of Science TM核心合集数据库11 650篇英文文献和中国知网CNKI数据库1 396篇中文文献为研究对象,利用CiteSpace和VOSviewer科学知识可视化图谱软件,结合文献内容分析和重点文献解译,梳理其发展概况、识别研究热点及前沿。结果表明:1)研究主要集中在:体力活动、健康社区、康复景观、建成环境等方面;2)研究前沿方向主要为:预防医学、森林健康、健康效益量化、健康影响评估等;3)国内外研究区别在于:国外研究多以科学研究为导向,更加关注城市自然环境与健康的定量关联和实证实地研究;国内研究则多以实践应用为导向,开展以风景园林学为依托的健康人居环境相关规划及设计方法的研究,理论体系及科学技术研究支撑体系有待完善。旨在为风景园林、公共健康、生态环境科学等领域的科学研究提供参考依据和方法指导。
关键词:  风景园林  健康  CiteSpace  系统综述  研究前沿
A Systematic Literature Review and Research Frontier Analysis of Health Research in Landscape Architecture
ZHU Ruirui,ZHAO Ye,ZHANG An,GAO Weijun
Building a healthy and comfortable living environment is the core goal of landscape architecture planning and design and scientific research. As an important research field of landscape architecture, health research still has much room for development. This paper takes 11,650 English papers retrieved from the Web of Science TM core collection database and 1,396 Chinese papers retrieved from CNKI from 2008 to 2020 as the research object. Using CiteSpace and VOSviewer scientific knowledge visualization software, combined with literature content analysis and interpretation, this paper sorts out the general situation of its development and then identifies research hot spot and frontier. The results show that: 1) Previous studies mainly focused on physical activity, healthy community, therapeutic landscape, built environment and so on; 2) The frontier of health research in landscape architecture includes: preventive medicine, forest health, health benefit quantification, and health impact assessment; 3) The differences between domestic and foreign research lie in that: foreign studies are mostly guided by scientific research, and pay more attention to the quantitative correlation between urban natural environment and health and empirical field research, while the domestic studies are mostly based on practice and application, carry out the research on the related planning and design methods of healthy human settlement environment based on landscape architecture, and the theoretical system and the scientific and technological research support system need to be improved. The paper can provide reference basis and method guidance for scientific research in the fields of landscape architecture, public health and ecological environment science.
Key words:  landscape architecture  health  CiteSpace  system review  research frontier

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