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团体标准《公园城市评价标准》的编制 思考
“公园城市”是生态文明思想在中国城市建设领域 的具体体现,探讨“公园城市”建设的新模式对于推动我国城 市建设的健康发展意义重大。通过回溯城市建设中“人本” 理念的演进,分析并提出了“公园城市”建设发展思路的4个 转变:即城市发展规划理念的转变,工作主体的转变,建设模 式的转变,建设内容的转变。从人的需求、绿色公共空间、风 景园林和人居环境4个维度分析了“公园城市”建设的逻辑, 提出了构建以人为主体,绿色公共空间为客体,风景园林为 介体,人居环境为环体的“四体共融”“公园城市”建设新 模式。具体途径一是打破城·绿空间边界,“园”“城”融 合;二是丰富人·绿互动方式,“园”“人”融合;三是激活 城·绿内在价值,“园”“业”融合。以推进新时期全方位开 放、多元模式运作、全域公园化“公园城市”的健康发展。
关键词:  风景园林  公园城市  评价标准  高质量发展
Thinking on the Evaluation Standard for Park City
CAI Wenting,WANG Yu,CHEN Yan,JIANG Na,WANG Xiangchun
Park City, as a new mode of city construction under the guidance of Xi Jinping's new socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics, provides a new direction for high-quality and sustainable development of China. In order to achieve the vision of Park City and instruct local cities to establish Park City scientifically, Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture initiated and compiled the group standard "Evaluation Standard for Park City" (hereinafter referred to as the "Standard") to answer the needs of cities' high-quality sustainable development. On the basis of clarifying the connotation, characteristics and objectives of Park City, the Standard is established from 7 aspects of evaluation, which are ecological environment, living environment, safety environment, cityscape, green development and social governance. All the indicators specify construction contents, requirements and expected goals under the guidance of three-level objectives of Park City construction. This paper expounds the background, purpose, significance and basic thoughts of the Standard, and interprets the main contents and key requirements in detail, so as to provide theoretical basis and practical reference to the new development ideas and strategies for urban planners, architects and managers
Key words:  landscape architecture  Park City  evaluation standard  high-quality development

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