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城市扩张情景模拟下绿地生态网络 构建与优化研究——以南京市部分区域 为例
:绿地生态网络对维护城市生态结构稳定有极其重要 的作用,其网络结构与城市发展、扩张及结构演化在时空层面 有动态的耦合关系。现阶段绿地生态网络构建多处于一种静态 的构建与优化思路中,忽视了城市化过程中自然与城市间的动 态变化。从风景园林学视角出发,以南京市部分区域为例,通 过多期遥感数据,基于CA-Markov模型模拟城市未来发展情 景,并在过去、现在和未来各时期用地分类基础上,对城市动 态扩张演变下的绿地空间与其所形成的生态网络进行研究,以 期构建适用现在、面向未来的绿地生态网络,将丰富城市绿地 生态网络研究新思路,并为中国风景园林建设和绿地系统规划 提供技术支撑。
关键词:  风景园林  绿地生态网络  城市扩张  CAMarkov模型
Construction and Optimization of Green Space Ecological Network under Urban Expansion Scenario Simulation: A Case Study in Some Areas of Nanjing
WU Zhen,ZHANG Kaiyun,WANG Hao
Green space ecological network plays an important role in maintaining the stability of urban ecological structure. There is a dynamic coupling relationship between the network structure and urban development, expansion and structural evolution in the space-time level. At present, the construction of green space ecological network is mostly in a static construction and optimization, ignoring the dynamic changes between nature and city in the process of urbanization. In this paper, the future development scenarios of some districts in Nanjing are simulated based on multi-period remote sensing data and Ca-Markov model from the perspective of landscape architecture. And green space and its ecological network under the evolution of urban dynamic expansion are studied based on the classification of land use in the past, present and future, in order to build a suitable green space ecological network for the present and the future. The study will enrich the new ideas of urban green space ecological network research, and provide technical support for landscape architecture construction and green space system planning in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green space ecological network  urban expansion  CA-Markov model

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