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场地实践:身处场地、寻找形式、通过 语言与设计赋景观以体验
阐释了3位知名瑞士风景园林师——基纳斯特 (1945—1998)、德贡布(1939—)和沃格特(1957—)的作 品,并论及他们如何受到了奥地利作家汉德克(1942—)的现 象美学影响。3位风景园林师均致力于通过形式的塑造来揭示 景观体验;而空间中的运动是上述1位作家和3位风景园林师作 品共同的核心主题,此外,他们还极为关注城市空间的边缘地 带。从城区行走到城外、在城市与自然间穿梭往返,是汉德克 作品中反复出现的主题。正因如此,汉德克探寻到了一种与其 诗意理想相呼应的景观的“易读性”(legibility)和“可体验 性”(experienceability),这也使他在2019年被授予了诺贝 尔文学奖。讨论了3位风景园林师的设计方法和场地实践,并将 他们作品的核心归纳为——身处场地、寻找形式、通过设计干 预赋予景观清晰性和可体验性。
关键词:  风景园林  拓扑学  现象学  场地实践  行走  边缘  自然-文化  体验  记忆  集体知识
On-site Practice: Being "In the Field", Searching for Forms, Making Landscape Experienceable through Words and Design
(Austria) Anette Freytag,Translated by ZHANG Jinyu,Proofreaded by BIAN Simin
The paper lays its focus on the work of three Swiss landscape architects of international renown, Dieter Kienast (1945-1998), George Descombes (1939-), and Günther Vogt (1957-), and how they were influenced by the phenomenological aesthetic of the Austrian author Peter Handke (1942-). All three landscape architects aimed to uncover an experience of an existing landscape that is, however, only manifested through form. Movement in space is a central motif in the work of the author and the landscape architects, whereby their observations focus very often on the margins of urban space. Walking in the city, out into the periphery, crisscrossing and passing through nature are frequently recurring motifs in Handke's work. At such moments, Handke found a "legibility" and "experienceability" of landscape that corresponds to his poetic ideal, for which he was awarded the Literature Nobel Prize in 2019. Being in the field, searching for forms and making landscapes legible and experienceable through design interventions is core to the work of the landscape architects that are presented in this paper, which also touches on their methodology and on-site practice
Key words:  landscape architecture  topology  phenomenology  on-site practice  walking  periphery  nature-culture  experience  memory  collective knowledge

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