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城市中心区湿地生物多样性提升策略 研究——以海珠湿地为例
湿地作为世界上生物多样性最为丰富的生态系统之 一,正经历着气候变化和城镇化等各方面的威胁。在人口稠密 的城市环境中,伴随湿地系统的破坏与退化,生物多样性丧失 的问题愈发严重。鉴于此,以广东广州海珠国家湿地公园为研 究对象,采用多层次嵌入型案例研究的方式,叠加交叉分析的 研究方法,从政策法规与规划体系、生境修复与空间设计策 略、日常管养与监测、公私伙伴合作模式4个方面对3个历史建 设阶段的策略进行分析,探究城市中心区的湿地生物多样性保 护与提升的策略。结果表明:政策法规与规划体系是基本前提 与保障,生境修复与空间设计策略是重要的载体,日常管养与 监测是可持续发展的关键,公私伙伴合作是多源动力,四者具 有显著协同效益,相辅相成。研究结果可为城市中心区的湿地 生物多样性提升提供经验参照和行动框架。
关键词:  风景园林  生物多样性  湿地公园  生态修复  案例研究
Biodiversity Enhancement Strategies for Urban Wetlands—A Case Study of Haizhu National Wetland Park
CHEN Mengyun,LIN Guangsi
Wetlands, as one of the world's most diverse ecosystems, face dangers from a variety of causes, including climate change and urbanization. The problem of biodiversity loss caused by the destruction and degradation of wetland systems has become more significant in densely populated metropolitan areas. Haizhu National Wetland Park in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, was chosen as the research subject. A longitudinal case study was carried out to investigate the strategies of the three historical construction stages of the wetland park from the following four aspects: policy and planning system, habitat restoration and spatial design, daily management and monitoring, and public-private partnership. During the progress, cross-sectional analysis was used. The results of the study show that policy and planning system are the basic premise and guarantee, rehabilitation and spatial design strategy is an important vehicle, daily management and monitoring is the key to sustainable development, and public-private partnership is a multisource driving force, and all the four have significant synergistic benefits and complement each other. This study can provide an empirical reference and action framework for biodiversity enhancement of wetland ecosystems in urban downtown areas.
Key words:  landscape architecture  biodiversity  wetland park  ecological restoration  case study

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