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基于城市生物多样性保护的环滇池鸟类 生境识别与网络构建
生物多样性是人类赖以生存和发展的重要基础,城 市生物多样性是其重要组成部分。鸟类是城市生物多样性的指 示物种和伞护物种,具有重要研究价值。基于城市生物多样性 保护的目的,利用MaxEnt模型预测识别滇池沿岸鸟类适宜生 境,完成生境制图,并利用最小成本距离模型和电路理论构建 及优化鸟类生境网络。结果表明:1)MaxEnt模型识别环滇池 湖滨水陆相交区域为鸟类高适宜区生境,距滇池一级保护区距 离与植被覆盖度是影响鸟类生境适宜性的主要因子;2)生境 制图结果显示,高适宜区生境以湿地与林地为主,两者占比分 别为39.34%和28.67%;3)基于最小成本距离模型构建了滇 池沿岸及昆明城市范围内的鸟类生境网络;4)基于电路理论识 别了生境网络的生态“夹点”和“障碍点”,改进网络的连通 性。研究成果形成鸟类生境识别和网络构建的系统方法,为城 市生物多样性保护提供科学依据与参考。
关键词:  风景园林  城市生物多样性  生境制图  MaxEnt模型  生境网络
Identification and Network Construction of Bird Habitats around Dianchi Lake Based on Urban Biodiversity Conservation
LIU Junnan,CHEN Hang,GAO Kai
Biodiversity is an important basis for human survival and development. Urban biodiversity is an important part of biodiversity. As indicator species and umbrella species of urban biodiversity, birds are of important research value. The suitable habitats of birds around Dianchi Lake were predicted and identified based on the MaxEnt model for the purpose of urban biodiversity conservation. Then thebiotope mapping was completed. The birds habitat network was also constructed and optimized based on the least cost distance model and thecircuit theory. The results showed: 1) The MaxEnt model identified the areas where water and land intersected around Dianchi Lake as the high suitable habitats for birds. The distance to the first-class protected area of Dianchi Lake and the vegetation coverage are the main factors affecting the choice of habitat suitability for birds. 2) The results of biotope mapping show that the habitats in the highly suitable area are mainly wetland and forest land, accounting for 39.34% and 28.67% respectively. 3) The birds habitat network of areas round Dianchi Lake and Kunming city were constructed based on theleast cost distance model. 4) Based on the circuit theory, the ecological "pinch points" and "barrier points" of the habitat networks were identified to improve network connectivity. The research establishes a method for birds habitats identification and network construction, and provides scientific basis and reference value for the urban biodiversity conservation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban biodiversity  biotope mapping  MaxEnt model  habitat network

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