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杭州城市山地寺院香道景观环境康养 效益评价
香道作为山地寺院园林外部山林自然环境最重要的 部分,具有森林康养的特点,对人体身心健康产生影响,同时 其寺院导览、酝酿宗教情绪等功能亦会对人心理状态产生一定 影响。对杭州永福寺、虎跑寺2座城市山地寺院香道景观的空 气负离子浓度、PM2.5、温度、湿度等环境康养因子指标进行 测量,基于标准规范,评价单因子的康养效益,分析不同康 养因子间的相关性。通过主成分分析将环境因子分为3个主成 分,计算各主成分得分,加权求和计算香道景观环境康养因子 综合得分并进行评价;通过状态焦虑量表及POMS量表反映 人群游览香道前后心理状态变化,评价香道景观对人心理恢复 的效果。结果表明,不同季节下香道景观环境康养因子对健康 均有积极影响;空气负离子浓度与环境温湿度呈显著正相关, 与PM2.5呈显著负相关,共同影响香道景观环境的综合康养效 益;永福寺香道景观环境康养综合评价得分高于虎跑寺;香道 景观及其佛教文化氛围对人心理状态的变化有积极影响。
关键词:  风景园林  康养效益  主成分分析  香道景观  山地寺院  环境因子
Evaluation on the Environmental Health Benefits of Incense Path Landscape of Mountain Temples in Hangzhou
LUO Chuanxi,JIN Hui,JIN Hexian,CUI Xue,ZHANG Mingke
As the most important part of the mountain forest natural environment outside the mountain temple garden, incense path has the characteristics of forest health and has an impact on people's health. At the same time, its functions such as temple guidance and brewing religious emotions will also have a certain impact on people's psychological state. The environmental health factor indexes such as negative air ion concentration, PM2.5, temperature and humidity of incense landscape in mountain temples in Yongfu Temple and Hupao Temple in Hangzhou were measured. Based on the standard specifications, the health benefit of single factor was evaluated and the correlation between different health factors was analyzed. Then different health factors were divided into three principal components through principal component analysis, the scores of each principal component are calculated, and the comprehensive scores of health factors of incense path landscape environment were calculated by weighted summation for evaluation; and the state anxiety scale and POMS scale were used to reflect the changes of people's psychological state before and after visiting incense path, and to evaluate the impact of incense road landscape on people's psychological recovery. The results show that the health factors of incense path landscape environment have a positive impact on health in different seasons; negative air ion concentration has a significant positive correlation with environmental temperature and humidity and a significant negative correlation with PM2.5, which jointly affects the comprehensive health benefits of incense path landscape environment; the comprehensive evaluation score of landscape environmental health of incense path in Yongfu Temple is higher than that of Hupao Temple; and the Buddhist cultural atmosphere and corresponding landscape of incense path also have a positive impact on psychological recovery.
Key words:  landscape architecture  health benefit  principal component analysis  incense path landscape  mountain temple  environmental factor

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