摘要: |
的文化伊甸园的呈现及延续。 |
关键词: 风景园林 风土 通态性 活态历史文化 集体
人格 遗产保护 |
DOI: |
基金项目: |
Landscape and Milieu—Illustrating the VanishedDynamic Historical Cultures in the Mediance |
LIU Xiaolin,YANG Haozhong |
Abstract: |
Milieu not only refers to a natural land image but also
refers to its humanity, which lives in the process of transformation
between historical time and space. The exploration of the landscape
cannot avoid its milieu. The landscape is in the mediance, rather
than being subjective or objective in dualism. Through researching
the origin of the world landscape concept and tracing back its
Chinese ideology and thinking about six criteria mentioned in
Thinking through Landscape written by Augustin Bernie. Abstract
historical context will give the landscape the dynamic effect under
the change of time and space, which will guide people to better
understand its connotation and recognize the true self. Nowadays
the regional culture, under the challenge of globalization, is facing
the danger of homogeneity and even extinction. What we need to
protect and inherit is not only the real landscape heritage, but more
importantly, the presentation and continuation of cultural Eden
to the collective personality of ethnic groups under the historical
accumulation. |
Key words: landscape architecture milieu mediance dynamic
historical culture collective personality heritage conservation |