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夜间光污染对全健康影响综述及关键 阈值
夜间光污染已广泛影响全健康,对人、动物、环境 都产生负面健康风险。以2000—2022年WOS数据库中夜间 光污染对全健康影响的42篇核心文献为研究对象,总结了具 体影响和可能的阈值,并结合夜光遥感数据,初步呈现了基于 风险阈值的上海夜间光污染健康情况。结果表明:1)夜间光 污染干扰人与动植物的昼夜节律等,造成人体癌症、代谢、 失眠、心境障碍等疾病,对动物造成进食、定向、肿瘤、繁 殖、心理和睡眠障碍等问题,且影响植物的物候与传粉; 2)夜间光污染的负面健康影响呈跨物种的共同特征;3)基 于风险阈值应用表明,上海已有四成面积受到夜间光污染影 响,生态保护区如崇明东滩等受光污染较轻。最后,提出对 夜间光污染的研究和优化建议,为中国健康光环境建设提供 指导。
关键词:  风景园林  夜间人工光照  夜间光污染  全健康
Review of the Impact of Artificial Light Pollution at Night on One Health and Key Thresholds
XIONG Ruiyu,CHEN Zheng
Artificial light pollution at night (ALAN) has begun to widely affect One Health, causing negative impacts on human and ecosystem health. Using 42 core literatures on the health field of ALAN in the Web of Science from 2000 to 2022, the authors summarize and sort out the specific impacts and possible impact thresholds of ALAN on human and ecosystems, and combine with the data from the Luojia01-1 to show the light pollution levels in Shanghai. The results show that: 1) ALAN causes health problems such as cancer, metabolic diseases, sleep disorders and mental disorders in humans, and feeding, orientation, tumors, reproduction, psychological and sleep disorders in animals, as well as affecting plant phenology and pollination, by interfering with the circadian rhythms; 2) The negative health effects of ALAN are common across species; 3) About 40.8% of Shanghai's area is already affected by ALAN, and the nature reserve Chongming Dongtan is lightly contaminated. Finally, recommendations on ALAN are proposed to provide guidance for the construction of a healthy light environment in China
Key words:  landscape architecture  artificial light at night  light pollution  One Health

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