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游径视角下国家公园的空间表征 ——以美国国家公园为例
国家代表性语境下,将国家公园建构成为文化语境 中的一类国家意象符号,能够有效提升中国文化自信、民族自 豪及国家认同感。游径空间作为全民公益性背景下公众接触国 家公园的主要渠道,具备承载传递自然保护意识及文化审美感 知的天然属性。借助人文地理学研究视角下的空间表征理论, 对美国国家公园的案例进行梳理解析后发现,统一规范的游径 标识及解说系统和基于特定地理风貌的游憩实践,能够交互促 进不同社会群体达成国家公园自然审美及文化意象的广泛共 识。根据中国国家公园的发展现状,同时借鉴美国国家公园解 说系统机制的经验和教训,从国家规范制度、空间规划设计及 综合管理教育3个方面总结适宜于中国国情的实施路径。对于 探讨国家公园生态游憩,以及将生态保护理念赋予国家文化意 义的研究具有借鉴意义。
关键词:  风景园林  国家公园  标识与解说系统  游径  文 化意象  空间表征
Representation of Space of National Parks from the Perspective of Trails—Taking American National Parks as an Example
HE Shuyue,CHENG Min,SHI Yihui,YAN Qining,WANG Ruixia
In the context of national representation, the construction of national parks as a kind of national image symbol in the cultural context can effectively enhance Chinese cultural self-confidence, national pride, and national identity. As the main channel for the public to contact national parks under the background of public welfare, the trail space has the natural attribute of conveying the awareness of nature protection and cultural aesthetic perception. After sorting out and analyzing the cases of American national parks in light of the theory of representation of space from the perspective of human geography, it is found that the creation of a unified and standardized trail sign and interpretive system, as well as recreational practices based on specific geographical features, can facilitate the interaction between different social groups toward reaching a broad consensus on the cultural and natural aesthetic image of national parks. According to the development status of China's national parks and the experience and lessons of the American National Park Interpretation System, this paper summarizes the implementation path suitable for China's national conditions from three aspects: national standard system, spatial planning and design, and comprehensive management education. In the discussion of public recreational behavior in national parks, it is of reference significance for the study of strategies to give ecological protection to national cultural significance.
Key words:  landscape architecture  national park  sign and interpretive system  trail  cultural imagery  representation of space

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