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城市滨水空间的活力测度及影响因素 检验
城市滨水地区是城市景观特色的重要载体。通过手 机信令数据测度空间活力,基于回归方程解析滨水活力的影响 因素,可为滨水空间规划布局提供科学依据。基于中山岐江河 的研究发现:手机信令数据表征的滨水活力整体呈现“背水” 趋势,距离岸线1 500m范围内是主要活力来源区域。区别于 既有成果,通过地理加权回归(GWR)厘清影响滨水活力的共 性因素和异质性因素:滨水地区绿地和居住用地比例、公共服 务设施多样性及居住人数属于促进空间活力的共性因素;不同 地段商办用地比例、路网密度等因素对滨水活力的影响具有空 间异质性特征。建议基于滨水空间活力特征及共性因素和异质 性因素制定针对性的规划策略。
关键词:  风景园林  手机信令  滨水地带  空间活力  向水 性  地理加权回归
The Analysis of the Vitality Measurement and Correlation Factors of Urban Waterfront Space
WANG Fei,ZHAO Miaoxi
The long-term development of the city benefits from the creation of space vitality, and the vitality of waterfront space is an important factor that constitutes the city's characteristic landscape. Based on the perspective of the vitality of the crowd, this paper measures the vitality of the waterfront space through mobile phone signaling data, summarizes the development characteristics of the coastal space and the main impact mechanism of the waterfront development, provides planning guidance for the construction and development of waterfront city in the new period, and provides the scientific theoretical basis for the layout of the waterfront space construction of the new city. The study found that the construction of the waterfront space of the Qijiang River shows the trend of backwater development, the trend of backwater during the day with the vitality of the waterfront space is more obvious, and the main influence mechanism of the coastal space vitality shows the vitality of the waterfront space and the diversity of the four types of land and public facilities of the waterfront space. The number of residents and the density of road networks are more relevant, so it is proposed to consider the development of optimized areas targeted for waterfront space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  mobile phone signaling  waterfront space  space vitality  hydrotropism  geo-weighted analysis

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