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新型城镇化背景下基于乡村集体记忆的 景观小品设计与表达研究
“记住乡愁”是“以人为本”新型城镇化的重要特 征。集体记忆作为乡愁的内核,其重要内容为“村民共同经 历下有重大影响力的人、事、物”,唤起集体记忆是“记住乡 愁”的重要途径。随着乡村的快速发展,凭借场所保护留住 “乡愁”日益艰难。将景观小品视作触发集体记忆、“记住 乡愁”的媒介,以杭州市“桐庐-富阳”传统村落带的东梓关 村、环溪村、荻浦村为案例,通过记忆提取、记忆再现、记忆 唤起,探明景观小品的记忆题材及其信息源头和呈现方式,以 及村民对景观小品记忆题材的感知,从而判断景观小品对“乡 愁”的触发效果。研究发现,乡村景观小品往往强调“独特 性”而忽视了集体记忆题材;更多分布于老聚落,忽视了更需 要记住乡愁的新居民点;形式以标识牌居多,设计缺少对村民 日常生活的考虑。提出结合乡村事物的“弱设计”、注重非记 忆场所、重点布局停留空间的景观小品设计方法,并有侧重地 应用于受到不同程度城镇化影响的乡村中,以发挥景观小品 “记住乡愁”的作用。
关键词:  风景园林  景观小品  乡愁  集体记忆  传统村落
Landscape Ornaments Design and Expression Based on Rural Collective Memory in the Context of New Urbanization
"Remembering nostalgia" is an important feature of the "people-oriented" new type of urbanization. Collective memory as the core of nostalgia, its important content is "villagers experience a person, thing, and object that has a great influence", and evoking collective memory is an important way to "remember nostalgia". With the rapid development of rural areas, it has become increasingly difficult to retain "nostalgia" by relying on place protection. The study regards landscape ornaments as a medium to trigger collective memory and "remember nostalgia", and takes Dongziguan Village, Huanxi Village and Hagiura Village in the traditional village belt of "Tonglu-Fuyang" in Hangzhou as cases. Through the analysis of memory content, memory reproduction, and memory evoking, it explores the memory theme and information source of landscape ornaments, the presentation of memory themes, and the villagers' perception of landscape ornaments' memory themes, so as to judge the trigger effect of landscape ornaments on "nostalgia". The study finds that rural landscape ornaments are driven by rural tourism: the emphasis on "uniqueness" ignores the usual but important collective memory themes; more distribution in old settlements, ignoring new settlements that need to remember nostalgia; and the form is mostly signs, and the lack of design considerations for the daily life of villagers is lacking. Finally, it is proposed to combine the weak design of rural things, pay attention to non-memory places, and focus on the layout of staying spaces, and apply this landscape ornaments deign method to the villages affected by different degrees of urbanization, to play the role of "remembering nostalgia" of landscape ornaments.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape ornaments  nostalgia  collective memory  traditional village

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