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城市公园对文化消费空间集聚的影响研究 ——以成都主城为例
新时期文化消费场景已经嵌入居民日常生活,在 “公园城市”建设的背景下,文化消费空间与城市公园的关系 值得关注。利用空间计量模型,以成都主城为例,分析文化消 费空间集聚的影响因素,探索各类城市公园在文化消费空间集 聚中的作用。结果表明:商业、交通和公园等因素会对其空间 集聚产生显著影响,其中,城市公园是其空间集聚的重要因 素,不同类型公园的影响程度存在空间分异。在城市北部,处 于城市更新中的社区公园呈现出对文化消费空间的不稳定影 响;在城市南部,新建的综合公园更能吸引文化消费空间。结 果所揭示的文化消费空间与城市公园之间的共生关系是城市建 设趋向多元的表现,反映了人们的文化休闲活动对城市绿地景 观的空间倾向性,对公园城市的规划建设具有启示作用。
关键词:  风景园林  文化消费空间  城市公园  空间集聚  公园城市  影响因素
The Influence of Urban Parks on the Agglomeration of Cultural Consumption Space: A Case Study of Chengdu
ZHANG Yifan,SUN Shijie
In the context of the construction of "park city", the relationship between cultural consumption space and urban park deserves attention. This paper uses the spatial econometric models to analyze the factors influencing the spatial agglomeration of cultural consumption in Chengdu and to explore the role of various types of urban parks in the spatial agglomeration of cultural consumption. The results show that factors such as commerce, transportation and parks significantly influence its spatial agglomeration, with urban parks being an important factor in its spatial agglomeration, and there is spatial differentiation in the degree of influence of different types of parks. In the northern part of the city, community parks in the midst of urban regeneration show an unstable influence on cultural consumption space; in the southern part of the city, new integrated parks are more attractive to cultural consumption space. The symbiotic relationship between cultural consumption spaces and urban parks revealed in the article is a manifestation of the tendency of urban construction to diversify, reflecting the spatial inclination of people's cultural and leisure activities to the urban green space landscape, and is an inspiration for the planning and construction of park cities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  cultural consumption space  urban park  spatial agglomeration  park city  influence factor

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