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“天人合一”整体观对中国传统风景 园林的影响
“天人合一”观作为中国传统文化中论述人与自然 关系的总纲,有其发生和发展、内涵与外延逐步完善的过程。 从古今整体观的角度,阐述“天人合一”的内涵、外延,以及 其整体思维对中国风景园林的影响,包括宇宙整体观、人天整 体观和身心整体观。从名山风景区中的身心修炼,到坛庙园林 的通灵祭祀;从“外师造化,内得心源”,到“虽由人作,宛 自天开”的园林营建原则,都显示出“天人合一”影响的诸多 方面,以及人与“天地人”的协调关系。
关键词:  风景园林  天人合一  人与自然  整体思维  宇宙 模型
The Influence of the Holistic View of "Harmonybetween Human and Nature" on TraditionalChinese Landscape Architecture
LI Jinlu
: In traditional Chinese culture, the concept of "Harmony between Human and Nature" is the general outline of the relationship between human and nature, which has a long process of its occurrence and development. From the perspective of ancient and modern holistic views, this paper expounds the connotation and extension of "Harmony between Human and Nature", and the influence of its holistic thinking on Chinese landscape architecture, including the universe holism, human and nature holism as well as body and mind holism. The concept of "Harmony between Human and Nature" has a profound impact on many aspects of Chinese landscape architecture, such as the physical and mental cultivation in famous mountain scenic spots as well as the psychic sacrifice in altar and shrine gardens, the construction principle of "artistic creations should follow the law of nature and also portray what the artist felt deep in heart" and "the garden is created by the human hand, but it should appear as if created by heaven", which shows the harmonious relationship between people and heaven, earth and other people.
Key words:  landscape architecture  harmony between human and nature  human and nature  holistic thinking  model of the universe

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