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历史性城镇景观视角下遗产价值试论 ——以揭阳城隍庙为例
城市遗产具有重要价值,它与城市生活密切关联, 构成了极具地域特色的城市文化景观。尝试突破以往对遗产价 值认知的传统解读,在城市遗产价值识别中引入历史性城镇景 观视角与方法,建构了以层积性与关联性为切入点,由“本体 价值”“衍生价值”“工具价值”3个维度共同构成的价值识 别框架;在历史层积演变中考察遗产的真实性,分析其与历史 性城镇景观的动态关联,强调城市遗产作为历史性城镇景观要 素的整体价值。以揭阳城隍庙为例,通过层积认知和关联分 析,阐明了其在城市历史空间存续、地方群体文化认同和城市 管理协同三方面的核心价值特征及具体呈现,对揭阳城隍庙承 载的多元价值进行全面揭示,以期为遗产价值理论与可持续性 保护提供新的理论探索方向。
关键词:  风景园林  遗产价值  城市遗产  历史性城镇景 观  层积性  关联性
A Tentative Discussion on Heritage Value fromthe Perspective of Historic Urban Landscape—Taking Chenghuang Temple in Jieyang as anExample
YIN Sai,WU Yao
Urban heritage is closely related to urban life and constitutes an urban cultural landscape with great regional characteristics, which is of great value. The study breaks through the traditional interpretation of heritage value, introduces a historical townscape perspective and method in urban heritage value identification, and constructs a value identification framework consisting of "ontological value", "derivative value", and "instrumental value", with layering and correlation as the entry point. The framework of value identification is composed of three dimensions: "ontological value", "derived value", and "instrumental value"; the authenticity of heritage is examined in the evolution of historical layers, and its dynamic connection with the historical townscape is analyzed, emphasizing the overall value of urban heritage as an element of the historical townscape. Taking Chenghuang Temple in Jieyang as an example, its role in the core values of the temple in terms of the survival of urban historical space, group cultural identity, and urban management synergy are also analyzed through layered cognition and correlation analysis, which reveals the multifaceted values carried by the temple, with a view to proposing a positive theoretical exploration for heritage value theory and sustainable conservation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  heritage value  urban heritage  historic urban landscape  layered  correlativity

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