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基于活态遗产保护的田园综合体生态构建 路径——以云南景迈山古茶林文化景观申遗示 范区为例
田园综合体作为国家推动农业农村现代化的重要抓 手,近年来在各省市的试点建设取得了初步成效,主要以文 旅、产业驱动的经济发展为导向,缺失了对乡村地区既有遗产 要素的关注。尤其对于具备一定景观资源禀赋的村镇,在构 建田园综合体的过程中必然面临着保护和发展之间的困境。从 ICCROM界定的活态遗产概念切入,探讨了乡村地区活态遗产 “无形-社群-象征-实体”的类型要素和价值认知框架,在比较 了国内外乡村遗产的3种保护模式的基础上,提出田园综合体发 展和乡村活态遗产保护的共融路径。以云南省澜沧景迈山田园 综合体作为案例实证,围绕着申报世界文化遗产的古茶林文化 景观,深入解读、挖掘景迈山乡村遗产的多元价值群落,通过 原生文化景观一体,源流汇生态空间修复;一二三产业融合, 聚落单元联动发展;民众参与共建,经济效益共享三项涉及自 然和人文景观的延续性发展策略,以期为中国田园综合体生态 建设和世界乡村遗产保护做出探索性实践。
关键词:  风景园林  田园综合体  活态遗产  乡村景观  景迈山
Ecological Construction Path of Rural ComplexBased on Living Heritage Protection—Taking theAncient Tea Grove Cultural Landscape of JingmaiMountain as an Example
WU Yihao,LIU Yang,GAO Jing
As the important means for rural revitalization, rural complex pilot projects have achieved preliminary success among many provinces and cities in China. However, the majority of them are tourism or industry oriented, with economic growth as the main goal, which shows ignorance of rural heritages protection, especially for those areas naturally rich in heritage resources. The paper introduces the concept of living heritage from ICCROM, discusses four types and the following elements of rural living heritage, containing metaphysical, social, symbol and material heritages. Based on that, it puts forward the integration method of rural complex development and living heritage protection. Taking Jingmai Mountain rural complex as an example, it finds out the multi-value groups of Jingmai rural heritages around the ancient tea grove which applies for the World Heritage. By means of exploring the value of rural heritage, integration of original cultural landscape, restoration of sustainable ecological space, linkage of industrial settlement units, governance of public participation, the planning expects to set an example for future development and protection of rural complex.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rural complex  living heritage  rural landscape  Jingmai Mountain

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