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水文学知识介入风景园林设计的空间 机制分析框架
随着风景园林设计对水文分析要求的提升,设计师 在设计实践中,往往存在着无法准确理解与应用水文学知识 的情况。在引入“空间机制”概念后,发现明晰景观空间(自 变量x )与景观功能(因变量y )之间的因果关系是解决该问题的 关键,而基于水文学知识的水文过程分析则是研究特定景观空 间与景观功能因果关系的有效途径,因此构建了“景观空间变 量-水文要素变量-景观功能变量”的分析框架。应用该框架, 将河流流速相关的水文学知识转译为设计语言,并分析河流流 速与河流廊道空间变量和景观功能变量之间如何相互影响,从 而提出不同功能目标导向下的河流廊道景观设计策略,并提 炼出水文学知识向风景园林设计语言转译及应用于实践的一 般途径。
关键词:  风景园林  风景园林设计  空间机制  景观水文  水文要素  河流流速
A Spatial Mechanism Analysis Framework forApplying Hydrological Knowledge to LandscapeArchitecture Design
YUE Bangrui,QIAN Zhihong,YAO Longjie
With the improvement of hydrological analysis requirements in landscape architecture design, designers often have difficulties in accurate understanding and application when applying hydrological knowledge to design. After introducing the concept of "spatial mechanism" in the research, it is found that clarifying the causal relationship between a specific landscape space (independent variable x ) and landscape function (dependent variable y ) is the key to solving this problem, and hydrological process analysis based on hydrological knowledge is an effective way to understand this causal relationship. Therefore, the framework of "landscape spatial variables - hydrological element variables - landscape function variables" is constructed. Using this framework, the hydrological knowledge related to river flow rate is translated into space design language, and analyze how the flow velocity of the river interacts with the landscape spatial variables and landscape functional variables of the river corridor, and then the landscape design strategies of river corridors under the guidance of different functional objectives are proposed. Finally, a general way of translating hydrology knowledge into landscape design language and applying it to practice is extracted. Keywords: landscape architecture; landscape architecture design;
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape architecture design  spatial mechanism  landscape hydrology  hydrologic element  river flow velocity

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