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多源数据支持下的宜昌市城市慢行 廊道选线及设计研究
高速城市化进程加速了城市居民的生活节奏,同时 也引发了城市交通拥堵、居民出行品质下降等问题。当前,城 市建成环境是推动高质量发展、创建高品质生活的重要载体, 而慢行廊道的建设是城市空间品质提升的重要途径。但城市慢 行廊道的规划建设多是以自上而下的方式,缺少从人本尺度出 发的精细化空间识别与选线效能评估。基于此,以宜昌市旧城 区慢行廊道建设项目为例,结合市民出行特点与需求、城市物 理空间环境等因素,充分考虑其通行性、景观性、舒适性、经 济性,基于“5D理论”运用城市街景数据、POI数据、交通 数据和热力图数据等对城市建成环境品质进行系统性测度,实 现宜昌城市慢行廊道选线适宜性评估。并根据研究结论,从城 市慢行系统交通组织、空间构成及基础服务设施维度提出相应 设计策略。旨在将宜昌打造为通达舒适的标杆慢行廊道,为城 市慢行系统的建设实践提供新的解决方案。
关键词:  风景园林  慢行廊道  选线规划  多源数据  城市 设计  宜昌市
Research on Route Selection and Design of UrbanSlow Corridor in Yichang City Supported by MultisourceData
JIANG Yong,YAN Jia,ZHOU Hanzhi
Rapid urbanization has accelerated the pace of life for urban residents, leading to issues such as urban traffic congestion and decline in the quality of residents' travel. Currently, cities serve as crucial platforms for promoting high-quality development, and the construction of urban slow-walking corridors represents a vital approach to enhance urban life quality. However, the planning and construction of these slow-walking corridors have predominantly followed a top-down approach, lacking a refined spatial identification and efficiency assessment from a humanscale perspective. To address this, using the old city of Yichang as a case study, the construction project for slow-walking corridors integrates the travel characteristics and needs of the public, the physical spatial environment of the city, and various other factors. It takes into full consideration factors such as accessibility, landscape, comfort, and economic feasibility. The "5D Theory" is employed to systematically evaluate the quality of the urban built environment, utilizing urban streetscape data, POI data, traffic data, and heat map data. Based on the findings of this study, corresponding design strategies are proposed concerning traffic organization, spatial composition, and basic service facilities within the urban slowwalking system. The ultimate goal of this study is to establish Yichang as a benchmark slow-walking corridor that prioritizes accessibility and comfort, thereby offering new solutions for the practical implementation of an urban slow-walking system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban slow corridor  route selection planning  multi-source data  urban design  Yichang

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