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国土空间规划背景下生态与文化遗产 协同保护体系构建研究——以佛山市为例
历史文化遗产保护是国土空间规划编制的重要内 容,目前存在重经济轻保护、重遗产轻环境等问题,促进生态 与文化遗产协同保护能够有效推动城乡建设与文化传承相得益 彰的高品质空间建设。佛山是一座粤港澳大湾区具有丰富文化 遗产的城市,平衡好历史文化传承与经济发展是高质量发展的 重点之一。以佛山市为研究区域,综合运用空间分析技术,在 摸清文化遗产资源类型、空间分异特征的基础上,搭建生态与 文化遗产协同保护和联动发展的分析框架,构建文化遗产空间 保护体系。首先,全面挖掘和梳理佛山市多层次多元化的生 态-文化资源,划定不同等级的资源集聚区;其次,提出“文 化遗产+生态环境”协同保护的空间保护体系构建策略;最 后,构建“生态基底+遗产空间+遗产廊道”的分级分类空间保 护利用模式。生态与文化遗产协同保护体系的构建是从文化遗 产单体保护到生态与文化遗产协同保护和系统性整体保护的转 变,对于城乡环境高质量发展具有重要意义。
关键词:  风景园林  国土空间规划  文化遗产  生态保护  协同保护体系  佛山市
Construction of the Synergistic Protection Systemfor Ecological Protection and Cultural HeritageProtection in the Context of Territorial SpatialPlanning—A Case Study of Foshan City
MA Yuan,CHEN Lihua,GUAN Zhiye
Protecting historical and cultural heritage is an important element in territorial spatial planning. However, there are problems in the protection of cultural heritage, such as valuing economy over protection and valuing heritage over environment. Promoting coordinated protection can effectively accelerate the construction of high-quality space that complements urban and rural construction and cultural heritage. Foshan is a city with rich cultural heritage in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area, and how to balance historical and cultural inheritance with economic development is one of the priorities of Foshan's high-quality development. This study takes Foshan as the research area, comprehensively uses spatial analysis technology to build the analysis framework of ecological and cultural heritage coordinated protection, and constructs the spatial protection system of cultural heritage on the basis of understanding the types of cultural heritage resources and the characteristics of spatial differentiation. Firstly, it is proposed to comprehensively excavate and sort out the multi-level and diversified ecological and cultural resources in Foshan, and delimit different levels of resources gathering areas; secondly, the construction strategy of the space protection system of "cultural heritage + ecological environment" joint protection is put forward; Finally, the spatial protection and utilization model of "ecological substrate + heritage space + heritage corridor" is constructed. This study is significant to the high-quality development of urban and rural environments.
Key words:  landscape architecture  territorial spatial planning  cultural heritage  ecological protection  synergistic protection system  Foshan cit

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