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浙江省风景名胜区人文景源分布特征及影响 因素研究
风景名胜区在数千年的演进过程中,高度融合了中国 大地多样且深厚的传统文化,见证了中华民族几千年的历史文 明进程,是最具中国特色的自然保护地。从省域层面探析风景 名胜区的人文景源分布特征及影响因素,对于风景名胜区的整 体价值认知具有重要意义,有利于中国自然保护地体系完整性 保护。以浙江省57个风景名胜区为研究对象,对其人文景源进 行统计分析,并将结果呈现到浙江省域空间,总结出浙江省风 景名胜区的人文景源和特、一、二级3级人文景源数量的占比特 征,以及不同人文景源占比的风景名胜区在浙江省域空间的分 布规律,提出风景名胜区人文景源占比与该区域的地形地貌、 平原湖泊、政治文化中心、山水游赏活动、宗教活动、军事要 隘等因素存在关联关系。
关键词:  风景园林  风景名胜区  人文景源  空间分布特 征  浙江省
Research on the Distribution Characteristics andInfluencing Factors of Cultural Landscape Resourcesin Scenic and Historic Area in Zhejiang Province
CHEN Chuwen,WANG Qing,LING Yufan,JIN Minli,YANG Shaoqin
During thousands of years of evolution, scenic and historic areas have highly integrated the diverse and profound traditional culture of China, witnessed the thousands of years of historical civilization of the Chinese nation. They natural protected areas with the most Chinese characteristics. The characteristics and influencing factors of the cultural landscape resources of scenic and historic areas from the provincial perspective are analyzed. It is of great significance for the overall value cognition of famous scenic areas, and it is conducive to the protection of the integrity of the natural protective land system in China. Taking 57 scenic and historic areas in Zhejiang Province as the research object, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the source of cultural landscape resources, and presents it to the provincial space of Zhejiang Province, and summarizes the characteristics of the number and proportion of cultural landscape resources and the characteristics of the super, first, second and third levels of cultural landscape resources in Zhejiang Province, as well as the spatial distribution of scenic and historic areas with different proportions of cultural landscape resources. It is proposed that the proportion of the cultural landscape resources of scenic and historic areas are related to the terrain and geographical generosity of the region, the plain lake, the political and cultural center, the landscape tour activities and religious activities, and the military essentials.
Key words:  landscape architecture  scenic and historic area  cultural landscape resources  spatial distribution characteristics  Zhejiang Province

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