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作者简介:陆 磊 1998年生/男/江苏南通人/浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院在 读硕士研究生/研究方向为风景园林历史理论与遗产保护(杭州 311300)
:“时景”也称时间景观,是中国风景园林的重要组 成,是风景属性、时间属性与人文属性的结合,体现了“天- 地-人”的彼此联系。通过对历代重要诗词、哲学文献、园林 文献的分析,探讨背后的时间逻辑,得出时景观念源于“对时 育物”的传统,与观象授时、物候观测确定时间密不可分,时 景审美源于天体观测与崇拜中诞生的美学雏形,以及物候农业 劳作中产生的观生意审美。时景审美经历了“雏形-建构-繁 荣-世俗化”4个重要时期,并与山水诗画的产生和发展紧密 相关。时景发展历程的分期特征与中国传统园林的发展既关联 又具有独特性,同时体现了待时而动、阶段发展、时境相依的 生态哲学思想,对时景营建、风景保护具有极为重要的意义。
关键词:  风景园林  时景  对时育物  起源  变迁
Research on the Origin and Changes of Shi Jing
LU Lei,FAN Yingjia,JIN Hexian,BAO Yiyi,SHEN Hongjie
"Shi Jing", also known as time-scape, constitutes a pivotal element in Chinese landscape architecture, embodying the fusion of landscape attributes, temporal properties, and cultural elements, thereby reflecting the interconnectedness of "heaven-earth-human". Through an analysis of significant poetry, philosophical texts, and literature on garden design throughout various historical periods, the paper explores the underlying temporal logic behind Shi Jing, and concludes that the concept of Shi Jing originated from the tradition of "cultivating things in accordance with time", which is inextricably linked with the observation of phenology, astronomical phenomena and weather. The aesthetic appreciation of Shi Jing originates from the aesthetic prototype born from the observation and worship of celestial phenomena, as well as the aesthetic appreciation of life generated from phenological agricultural work. The aesthetics of Shi Jing has gone through four important periods, namely, "prototype - construction - exuberance - secularization", and has been closely connected with the emergence and development of landscape poetry and painting. The phasing characteristics of Shi Jing developing process are related to the development of traditional Chinese landscape architecture but it is also unique, and at the same time reflect the ecological philosophy thought of waiting for the time to move, stage development, and the interdependence of time and environment. The study is of great importance for Shi Jing construction and landscape conservation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Shi Jing (time-scape)  cultivating things in accordance with time  origin  change

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