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基于有限元模型的上海市常见园林树种 抗风性研究
作者简介:张德顺 1964年生/男/山东潍坊人/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授, 博士生导师/IUCN、SSC委员/中国植物学会理事/中国风景园 林学会园林植物专业委员会副主任委员/研究方向为园林植物与 风景规划/本刊编委(上海 200092)
风害是园林植物受到的主要自然灾害之一,每年由 于台风导致的园林树木断枝倒伏等现象频频发生,严重威胁 了城市的生态安全。树木形态差异是影响树木稳定性的主要 因子,以15种上海市常见园林树木为研究对象,探究不同冠 层特征对树木稳定性影响及不同树形对分枝特征变化的敏感 性。通过对研究树种的有限元建模进行树木自振和风致破坏 模拟,计算得到树木的力学响应特征值,然后结合树木断裂 的失效弯矩和树木弯矩在不同风速条件下的变化规律,预测 树木断裂的临界风速,结合灾后实地调研结果,综合比较不 同树种的抗风能力。
关键词:  园林植物  有限元  抗风性  园林树木  树木形态
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“华东滨海地区抗风园林 树种的选择机制研究:以上海为例”(编号32071824)、上 海市绿化管理指导站合作项目“上海城市绿化树种结构优化研 究”(编号wh0010020220683)和“应对台风侵袭的上海市行 道树应用评价与优化策略研究”(编号wh0010020220684)共 同资助
Study on Wind Resistance of Popular LandscapeTree Species in Shanghai Based on Finite ElementModel
ZHANG Deshun,YAO Manqing,CHEN Luqiyao,ZHANG Zhen,CHEN Yingying
Wind damage is one of the main natural disasters for landscape plants. The fall, break and uproot of landscape tree caused by typhoon frequently occurs every year, which seriously threatens the ecological security of the urban ecosystem. The morphological difference is one of dominant main factor affecting the stability of trees. Taking 15 popular landscape trees in Shanghai as research objects, the impact of different canopy characteristics on tree stability and the sensitivity of different tree shapes to changes in branching characteristics was explored in this paper. The natural vibration and wind-induced damage of trees are simulated through the Finite Element Model of the target species, and the mechanical response eigenvalue of trees are calculated. Then, the critical wind speed of tree fracture is predicted by combining the failure bending moment of tree fracture and the change law of tree bending moment under different wind speed conditions, and the wind resistance of different tree species is comprehensively compared combined with the field survey results of post disaster.
Key words:  landscape plant  finite element  wind resistance  landscape trees  tree form

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