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国标编制相关的城市公园绿地主要规划 指标研究
公园绿地是城市人居环境建设的重要生态基础设 施。在参与国家《城市绿地规划标准》的编制过程中,通过 对159个中国城市(含港澳台地区)主要公园类型发展现状的大 样本数据分析,提炼相关的城市公园建设主要规划指标,包 括公园绿地的面积规模、绿地率和功能分区。研究表明:我 国城市综合公园的建设规模多为10~50hm2,社区公园多为 0.1~5hm2;综合公园的绿地率平均值为75%左右,社区公园 绿地率平均值为65%左右。综合公园需具备儿童游戏、休闲游 憩、运动康体和文化科普4项基本功能,兼容园务管理、演艺 娱乐与商业服务等配套功能。社区公园需具备儿童游戏和休闲 游憩2项基本功能,兼容运动康体和文化科普等辅助功能。合 理地确定城市公园绿地的规划指标,有利于我国城市绿地规划 理论与实践走上科学化、法制化、规范化的发展轨道。
关键词:  风景园林  城市公园绿地  规划指标  国家标准  大样本数据分析  绿地规划
Study on the Major Planning Indexes of Urban ParkGreen Space Related to the National Standard
LI Min,TONG Yunxi,LI Jitai
Park green space is an essential ecological infrastructure for the construction of human settlement environment. The authors participated in the national standard formulation for urban green space planning. Based on the large sample data analysis of the development status of major park types in 159 Chinese cities (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), the primary planning indexes of urban park construction were extracted, including the area scale, greening rate and functional zoning of park green space. The research shows that the construction scale of urban comprehensive parks in China are mostly 10~50hm2, community parks are mostly 0.1~5hm2. The average greening ratio of comprehensive parks is about 75%, community parks is about 65%. The comprehensive park should be equipped with four essential functions, including children's games, leisure and recreation, sports, and cultural popularization, and compatible with supporting functions including park management, entertainment and commercial services. The community park should have two essential functions such as children's playground and recreation area, as well as auxiliary functions of sports, culture and science. The reasonable determination of the main planning indexes of urban park green space is conducive to the scientific, legal and standardized development of the theory and practice from urban green space planning in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban park green space  planning index  national standard  large sample data analysis  green space planning

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