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基于生态安全的区域生态空间弹性规划 研究——以山东省滕州市为例
保护区域生态环境、实现区域生态安全是新型城镇 化进程中不容忽视的重要问题。区域生态空间规划是实现生态 安全格局的有效途径。当前区域生态空间规划侧重于在静态生 态安全格局构建的基础上提出蓝图式规划愿景,忽视了城市扩 张对生态安全格局的动态干扰和应对风险的适应性弹性策略研 究。以动态生态安全格局构建为目标,分析城市扩张对生态安 全格局干扰影响机制,在建立城镇空间发展预测模型和生态空 间格局安全性评价体系的基础上,提出“动态多情景模拟预 测-生态空间安全性评价-方案协调弹性响应”的区域生态空 间弹性规划途径,为实现城乡空间协调发展、提升生态空间安 全性,以及优化区域生态空间规划方法提供参考。
关键词:  风景园林  区域生态空间  生态风险  生态安全评 价  弹性规划
Flexible Planning of Regional Ecological Space forEcological Security—A Case Study of TengzhouCity, Shandong Province
LIU Song,LIU Lei
In the critical period of urbanization transformation and development, the protection of regional ecological environment and regional ecological security are important issues. Regional ecological space planning is an effective approach to realize ecological security pattern. While general regional ecological space planning focuses on static situation and "blueprint" planning requirements, and emphasizes the static ecological security pattern construction technology, ignoring the dynamic interference mechanism of ecological risk and ecological security and the flexible adaption planning strategy to deal with risks. From this point, aiming to construct ecological security pattern, this paper starts with mechanism of the ecological risk caused urban expansion, analyses the interference mechanism between ecological risk and ecological security, sets up urban expansion simulation model and ecological pattern security evaluation system, then puts up flexible planning model of the regional ecological space, which is "dynamic multi-scenario simulation prediction-ecological spatial security evaluation-flexible strategies". It is hoped to provide reference for sustainable development, improvement of ecological space security and optimization of ecological space planning methods.
Key words:  landscape architecture  regional ecological space  ecological risk  ecological security evaluation  flexible planning

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