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国土空间规划体系下的绿地系统规划 创新趋势
党的十九大报告强调,建设生态文明是中华民族永 续发展的“千年大计”,同时将包括“绿色发展”在内的“五 大发展理念”提升到了国家治理的战略高度。继而,《中共中 央国务院关于建立国土空间规划体系并监督实施的若干意见》 也延续了“山水林田湖草生命共同体”理念,明确要求“保护 生态屏障,构建生态廊道和生态网络”。在此背景下,与以上 工作内容密切相关的绿地系统规划,必须及时在国土空间规划 体系下进行重新审视,自身地位和作用是否发生了变化?并 以此为出发点,思考绿地系统规划在编制过程中,如何支撑 国土空间规划以优化国土空间开发保护格局,如何通过绿地 布局以实现游憩、生态等产品有效供给,如何协同其他专项 规划以形成国土空间开发保护一张图。从解读2019年颁布的 《城市绿地规划标准》(GB/T 51346—2019)的角度,就 管控思维、体系地位和编制创新3个方面对全新规划体系下的 绿地系统规划进行剖析。
关键词:  :风景园林  国土空间规划  绿地系统规划  生态文明
Innovative Trends of Green Space SystemPlanning in Territorial Spatial Planning System
ZHOU Haibo,GUO Xingfang
It is emphasized in the report of the 19th CPC National Congress that building the ecological civilization is vital to sustain the national development of China, and "the five development concepts" including "green & eco-friendly development" have also been adopted as a development strategy of the country. So that, "The Opinions of Establish and Supervise the Implementation of the Territorial Spatial Planning System" published by the State Council of CPC Central Committee, also carries forward the concept of "mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grass are the community of life", which explicitly requires "protecting the ecological barrier, building the ecological corridor and ecological network". In this background, green space system planning, which is closely related to the ecological conservation building, must be re-examined in territorial spatial planning system in time. Has its status and role changed? On this basis, it is considered that in the process of preparation of green space system planning, how to support the territorial spatial planning to optimize the development and protection pattern of territorial space, how to bring out the effective supply of recreational and ecological products through arranging the green space, and how to cooperate with other special planning to form "one map of territorial spatial development and protection". For the whole new planning system, by analyzing "The Standards for Planning of Urban Green Space (GB/T 51346—2019)" issued in 2019, the green space system planning is discussed by this paper in three aspects: management direction, status in the system and innovative trends of planning.
Key words:  landscape architecture  territorial spatial planning  green space system planning  ecological civilization

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