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城市河堤的多目标弹性景观修复途径 ——以四川省富顺沱江为例
城市河堤工程在发挥防洪功能的同时,往往造成滨 河生态环境破坏、自然服务功能和空间活力丧失等多种问题。 基于弹性防洪理念,这些单一功能的城市河堤在防洪效能、生 态服务、环境品质和公共活力等方面具有巨大的提升潜力, 已经成为现代城市更新的重点区域。城市河堤的多目标弹性景 观修复可以运用软化、退让和复合3种主要策略,以实现防洪 与景观的平衡。以四川省富顺沱江项目为例,根据现状情况、 问题和修复目标,将项目中已建和规划河堤工程划分为4种形 式,综合应用景观修复策略,对不同类型河堤提出相应的改造 途径。最后,总结景观修复项目实施中需要解决的关键问题, 以期提出适合中国城市河堤工程的弹性景观修复途径。
关键词:  风景园林  滨水景观  弹性  景观修复  景观基础 设施
The Multi-objective Approaches of Urban RiverEmbankment Landscape Restoration—TakingFushun Tuo River in Sichuan Province as an Example
LI Liang,LU Hang,XING Lulu,WU Danzi
While the modern urban river embankment has flood control function, it often causes various problems such as the destruction of the riverside ecological environment, the loss of ecosystem service and space vitality. Base on the theory of resilient flood control, these single-function urban river embankments have enormous potential on improvement in terms of flood control, ecological services, environmental quality and public vitality, which need to be restored. The multi-objective resilient landscape restoration strategy can achieve the balance between flood control and environment, which can be divided into three types: softening, yielding and compound. Taking the Fushun Tuo River project in Sichuan Province as an example, through studying the current situation, problems and restoration targets, the existing embankment works in the project are summarized into four forms, and corresponding renovation approaches are proposed. Finally, it summarizes the key issues that need to be solved in the implementation of the landscape restoration project, in order to propose resilient landscape restoration approaches suitable for Chinese urban river embankment projects.
Key words:  landscape architecture  waterfront landscape  resilience  landscape restoration  landscape infrastructure

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