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景观保护设计——美国佛罗里达州西南部景观 保护设计项目案例
景观保护设计(Landscape Conservation Design,LCD)是一种动态性的景观保护方法。该方法以保 护生物学和景观生态学的原理为基础,运用GIS技术和空间保 护规划软件,识别出场地中对物种、生物多样性和生态系统保 护具有关键意义的区域和廊道。LCD的结果可以为自然资源 和生态保护的决策者提供基于科学的空间保护策略依据。在中 国越来越重视自然资源和生态环境保护的今天,在未来城市的 建设中,景观保护设计的概念和方法将对我国的自然资源和 生态保护规划起到重要的借鉴作用。以美国渔业和野生动物 保护局(U.S Fish & Wildlife Conservation Service, USFWS)与佛罗里达大学景观保护规划中心合作完成的佛罗 里达州西南部景观保护设计项目为例,从数据基础、研究方法 以及规划结果等方面来对景观保护设计进行探讨,并提出景观 保护设计理念在我国生物多样性保护及生态文明建设中的应用 前景和挑战。
关键词:  风景园林  景观保护设计  生物多样性保护  规划 决策  启示
Landscape Conservation Design: A Case Study ofthe Southwestern Florida of U.S.摘 要
ZHU Mingjian,WU Ying,SHANG Yuan,CHEN Fengming,SUN Yuan
Landscape Conservation Design (LCD) is a dynamic landscape conservation method. Based on the principles of conservation biology and landscape ecology, LCD uses GIS technology and space protection planning software to identify areas and corridors that are critical to species, biodiversity, and ecosystem protection. The results of the research can provide decision-makers of natural resources and ecological protection with science-based spatial protection strategies. In China, more and more attention is paid to natural resources and ecological environment protection. Today, the concept and methods of landscape conservation design will play an important role in natural resources and ecological conservation planning. The paper takes the example of the landscape conservation design project in southwestern Florida done in cooperation with the US Fish & Wildlife Conservation Service (USFWS) and the University of Florida Landscape Conservation Planning Center, introduces LCD from data foundations, research methods, and planning results, and puts forward the prospects and challenges of landscape protection design in China
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape conservation design  biodiversity conservation  decision making in urban planning  inspiration

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