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乡土文化景观安全格局及遗产廊道构建 研究——以福建永泰为例
借助ArcGIS空间分析技术,运用景观安全格局理 论和空间阻力模型分析方法,以福建永泰为例,针对乡土文化 遗产体验进行景观资源适宜性评价,同时建立低、中、高3个 级别的景观安全格局水平。结果表明:乡土文化遗产体验适宜 性水平较高,低中等安全格局水平所占比例高达81.11%。为 此,提出构建永泰乡土遗产廊道、形成乡土遗产景观网络与全 域旅游开发利用的具体建议措施,旨在加强乡土文化安全与景 观遗产的整体保护,促进全域旅游开发保护与乡村全面振兴的 实现。
关键词:  风景园林  乡土文化体验  适宜性评价  景观安全 格局  遗产廊道  永泰
Study on the Safety Pattern of Local CulturalLandscape and the Construction of HeritageCorridor—Taking in Yongtai, Fujian as an Example
GUAN Ziling,CHEN Shunhe
With the help of ArcGIS spatial analysis technology, this paper uses the landscape security pattern theory and the spatial resistance model analysis method, taking the Yongtai County of Fujian Province as an example, based on the local cultural heritage experience to evaluate the suitability of landscape resources, and at the same time establishes three levels of low, medium and high landscape safety level of the pattern. The results show that the level of suitability of local cultural heritage is high, and the proportion of low and medium security patterns is as high as 81.11%. Therefore, in order to strengthen the safety of local culture and the overall protection of landscape heritage, and promote the realization of the development and protection of regional tourism and the overall revitalization of rural areas, this paper puts forward some concrete suggestions and measures for the construction of Yongtai local heritage corridor, the formation of local heritage landscape network and the development and utilization of regional tourism.
Key words:  landscape architecture  local cultural experience  suitability evaluation  landscape security pattern  heritage corridor  Yongtai

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