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基于GIS的城市公园避雨设施可达性 研究——以福州沙滩公园为例
公园避雨设施作为城市公园内部重要的组成部分, 应对突发降雨和台风等气象,对游客起着避雨停留、保障安全 的关键作用。以福州沙滩公园为例,基于GIS的费用加权距离 法,结合青年人、中年人、老年人这3个群体在公园不同路面 上的行进时间成本,分析了公园避雨设施对应3个群体的可达 性与服务情况。结果表明:1)基于费用加权距离法,对公园 不同路面赋予时间成本,从而分析避雨设施的可达性,此方法 能准确地评价城市公园避雨设施的服务情况;2)福州沙滩公 园的避雨设施可达性较好,青年人、中年人、老年人在0~30s 内能到达避雨设施的区域分别占公园可行走面积的86.86%、 84.27%和75.61%,占据了大部分服务区域;3)福州沙滩公 园的避雨设施服务能力较好,可以同时承载1 584人进行避 雨,接近公园最大游人容量的90%。城市公园避雨设施可达性 研究是衡量公园绿地服务功能的有效手段之一,以期为公园建 设者合理规划布局公园内部设施提供参考。
关键词:  风景园林  公园避雨设施  可达性  GIS
Research on the Accessibility of Rain ShelterFacilities in Urban Parks: A Case Study of FuzhouBeach Park
DAI Zhongwei,HONG Xinchen,PAN Minghui,LI Xiaohe,LAN Siren
As an important part of urban park, rain shelter facilities play a key role in avoiding rain and typhoon, aiming to ensure the safety of tourists. Taking Fuzhou Beach Park as an example, this paper combines the travel time cost of the young people, middleaged and elderly people on the different pavements of the park with the cost-weighted distance method based on GIS to analyze the reachability of rain shelter facilities and service situation. The results show that: 1) Based on the cost-weighted distance method, time cost is assigned to different road surfaces in the park to analyze the accessibility of rain shelter facilities. This method can accurately evaluate the service situation of rain shelter facilities in urban parks. 2) The rain shelter faciltities of Fuzhou Beach Park are relatively accessible. The areas where the young people, middleaged people, and elderly people can reach the rain shelter facilities in 0-30s account for 86.86%, 84.27%, and 75.61% of the parkwalkable areas respectively. 3) the rain shelter facilities of Fuzhou Beach Park has a good service capacity, and can carry 1584 people to shelter at the same time, about 90% of the park's largest tourist capacity. The research on the accessibility of rain shelter facilities in urban park is one of the effective means to measure the green space service function of the park, so as to provide reference for park builders to plan and layout the park's internal facilities
Key words:  landscape architecture  park rain shelter facilities  accessibility  GIS

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