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全尺度林地景观的创造性管理——基于 瑞典农业科学大学阿尔纳普风景实验室项目 研究
20世纪80年代,瑞典农业科学大学风景园林系教 授罗朗·古斯塔文森在阿尔纳普校区创建风景实验室,融汇三 脉斯堪的纳维亚风景园林的历史源流,即农林、早期自然保护 与城市公园,系统性、全尺度地探索一片幼林地风景的创造性 管理。风景实验室将林地规划为多林分组合,作为营林、风景 园林设计与教学,以及公共游览的同一场所,因循植物景观的 自然形态与活态结构,善用林室氛围景观,实践一种协同营 林、生态保育和风景审美效用的管理式设计,为发展多用途城 市林地提供创新实验场所。在风景实验室教研组发表的项目论 文与报告书等文献资料的基础上,说明主要实验原则与方法, 解析创造性管理的风景园林设计主线,简述由风景实验室延伸 出的设计概念与项目。
关键词:  风景园林  营林  植物景观  城市林地  风景园林 教学  风景实验室  创造性管理
On the Creative Management of WoodlandLandscape in Full Scale—Study of AlnarpLandscape Laboratory of Swedish University ofAgricultural Sciences
LIU Nan,(France) Catherine Szanto
In the early 1980s, Roland Gustavsson, professor of the Department of Landscape Architecture of SLU, launched an experimental project on the site of the Alnarp campus, in the name of "Landscape Laboratory", which intends, at the intersection of forestry traditions, early conservation of nature and landscape architecture tradition in Scandinavia, to explore systematically the creative management of a young forest's landscape in full-scale. The Landscape Laboratory is taking the various plots where we composed multiple woodland landscape types as the one place for forestry, landscape design, landscape teaching and public recreation, seeking to perform a design by management which should coordinate forestry, ecological and aesthetic interests, by thinking through the vital morphology and the dynamic architecture of vegetation, especially revaluing woodland's interiority. As a result, the concept of "multiple-use urban woodland" has been developed. The paper introduced firstly the major experimental principles and methods of the Landscape Laboratory, then explained some guidelines of the landscape design by creative management, and finally presented some recent concepts and projects in Western Europe, inspired by the Landscape Laboratory.
Key words:  landscape architecture  forest culture and management  vegetation landscape  urban woodland  landscape teaching  landscape laboratory  creative management

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