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基于减缓热岛效应的公园绿地布局 优化研究
城市化进程加快导致城市热岛效应问题日益突出, 公园绿地在降温方面具有重要作用,如何通过公园绿地布局以 减缓热岛效应是当前值得思考的问题。以福州市主城区为研究 区,利用辐射传输方程和泰森多边形分析城市热岛情况及公园 绿地布局现状,采用P-中值模型结合城市用地规划确定公园 绿地布局优化方案,结果表明:1)福州市主城区的整体温度偏 高,其热岛范围达城市总面积的11.78%;2)共提取福州市主 城区公园绿地47个,总面积为11.11km2,占主城区总面积 的4.47%,公园绿地布局总体不能满足人们的需要;3)利用 P-中值模型对公园绿地供需情况进行分析,得出18个公园绿 地需要优化,其中包括福州动物园、环南公园等12个一级优化 公园绿地,以及屏山公园、琴亭湖公园等6个二级优化公园绿 地;4)结合福州市中心城区用地规划,得到50个潜在公园绿 地建设点,主要集中于城门镇、盖山镇及新店镇。
关键词:  风景园林  公园绿地  布局优化  城市热岛效应  福州市主城区
Research on Layout Optimization of Park GreenSpace Based on Alleviating Heat Island Effect
ZHAO Qiuyue,LIU Jian,SHAN Haolin,YU Kunyong
With the acceleration of urbanization, the problem of urban heat island effect is becoming more and more prominent, the park green space plays an important role in cooling, and how to alleviate heat island effect by layout optimization of park green space is a problem worth thinking at present. Taking the main urban region of Fuzhou as the research area, the urban heat island situation and the layout of park green space are analyzed by using the radiation transfer equation and Tyson Polygon, and the optimization scheme of park green space layout is determined by P-median model combined with urban land use planning. The results show that: 1) The overall temperature of the main region of Fuzhou is relatively high, and its heat island area reaches 11.78% of the city; 2) Fuzhou have 47 park green space, the total area is 11.11km2, occupying 4.47% of the total area of the main urban region, and the park green space layout could not meet the needs of people; 3) There are 18 park green spaces need to be optimized by using P-median model to analyze the supply and demand of park green space, including 12 first-level optimized park green space such as Fuzhou Zoo, Huan nan Park, and 6 second-level optimized park green space such as Ping Shan Park, Qin Ting Lake Park; 4) Combined with land use planning of Fuzhou city center, 50 potential park green space construction sites can be obtained, mainly concentrated in Chengmen Town, Gaishan Town, and Xindian Town.
Key words:  landscape architecture  park green space  layout optimization  urban heat island effect  main urban region of Fuzhou

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