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基于CA-Markov和InVEST模型的土地 利用格局变化对生境的影响研究——以北京 浅山区为例
在城市扩张蔓延和由此引起的生境变化过程中,研 究生境随土地利用/覆被变化(Land Use/Cover Change, LUCC)的适应性时空演变及预测已成为生态学的核心内容。 浅山区作为山区与平原的过渡地带,是天然生态屏障和生态敏 感地区,评估土地利用变化所引起的生境质量时空变化对于 浅山生态规划意义重大。以北京市浅山区为例,基于1999、 2017年的Landsat TM/ETM+遥感数据进行ENVI解译,并 采用CA-Markov模型模拟北京浅山区2035年自然增长情景 下的景观格局发展趋势。后结合InVest模型,评价3个时间下 的生境质量和退化度,以及1999—2017、2017—2035年 时间段下的生境稀缺度。结果表明:1999—2017年,浅山 区的景观空间愈加趋于碎片化,农田和建设用地趋于向浅山内 部扩张,预测2017—2035年仍将沿袭这一趋势,但变化速 度有所减缓。
关键词:  风景园林  生境质量  退化度  稀缺度  CAMarkov 模型  InVEST模型
Study on the Impact of Landuse Pattern Changeson Habitat Based on Ca-Markov and InVESTModels—A Case Study of Shallow MountainousAreas in Beijing
ZOU Tianjiao,NI Chang,ZHENG Xi
In the process of urban sprawl and the resulting habitat changes, the research on the spatial and temporal evolution and prediction of habitat adaptability with land use/cover change (LUCC) has become the core content of ecology. As the transition zone between mountain and plain, shallow mountainous area is a natural ecological barrier and ecologically sensitive area. Taking shallow mountainous areas of Beijing as an example, ENVI interpretation was conducted based on Landsat TM/ETM+ remote sensing data in 1999 and 2017, and the CA-Markov model was used to simulate the development trend of landscape pattern in shallow mountainous areas of Beijing under the scenario of natural growth in 2035. Then, combined with the InVest model, the habitat quality and degradation degree in three time periods were evaluated, as well as the habitat scarcity degree in two time periods of 1999- 2017 and 2017-2035. The results show that from 1999 to 2017, landscape space in shallow mountains tends to be more fragmented and farmland and construction land tend to expand into shallow mountains. It is predicted that this trend will continue in 2017-2035, but the change rate will slow down.
Key words:  landscape architecture  habitat quality  degradation degree  scarcity  CA-Markov model  InVEST model

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