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强台风后城市园林树木的风灾损伤及其 抗风能力研究——以深圳大学后海校区为例
通过调查强台风山竹过后深圳大学后海校区校园内 园林树木的损伤情况,统计树种的平均风害级和风害指数,分 析深圳常见园林树木的抗风能力;并通过分析乔木树种形态和 材质性状与风害指数之间的关系,确定影响园林树木抗风能力 的关键性状。结果表明:1)大王椰子、酒瓶椰子和苏铁等单 子叶树种的抗风能力较强,美丽异木棉、南洋杉、幌伞枫、小 叶榄仁、荔枝、龙眼、垂叶榕、小叶榕、红檵木、叶子花和基 及树等常见树种也具有较好的抗风能力,而大叶桃花心木、洋 紫荆、黄槿、白千层、阿江榄仁、大叶相思和木麻黄等抗风能 力较差,在台风频繁地区谨慎使用;2)园林树木的抗风能力 与形态和材质性状密切相关,树木的形态性状相对于材质性状 具有更强的影响力。乔木树种的形态性状中分枝角、枝下高、 主干分枝数和枝条是否轮生与树种的抗风能力明显相关;材质 性状中木纤维长度、顺纹抗压强度和抗弯强度与树种抗风能力 有较高的相关性。基于研究结果,从树种选择、规划设计和养 护管理方面给出增强园林树木抗风能力的方法和措施。本研究 可为易受台风侵袭的城市园林抗风树种的选择及绿地规划设计 和栽培养护管理提供科学依据。
关键词:  :园林植物  园林树木  台风灾害  抗风能力  性状
Wind Damage of Urban Greening Trees after Super Typhoon and Their Wind Resistance—A Case Study of Houhai Campus of Shenzhen University
LIU Ruixue,XU Xiaoxue
This research selects the greening trees inside Houhai Campus of Shenzhen University as the study subject to exam the wind impact of mangkhut, after a super typhoon affected Shenzhen in September of 2018. Mean wind damage level and wind damage index of each species were calculated to assess the wind resistance of common greening trees. Then, by investigating the plants' morphology and textures, and their relationships to the wind damage index, the main characters that determining the trees’ wind resistance are discovered. The results have indicated the following findings. 1) The wind resistance of monocotyledon trees such as Roystonea regia, Hyophorbe lagenicaulis, and Cycas revoluta is strong, and the wind resistance of common greening trees such as Ceiba speciosa, Araucaria cunninghamii, Heteropanax fragrans, Terminalia neotaliala, Dimocarpus longan, Litchi chinensis, Ficus benjamina, Ficus concinna, Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum, Bougainvillea spectabilis and Carmona microphylla is at a certain level. However, Swietenia macrophylla, Bauhinia variegate, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Melaleuca leucadendron, Terminalia arjuna, Acacia auriculiformis and Casuarina equisetifolia are damaged seriously, and these species are recommended to be used with caution. 2) The wind resistance of trees is mainly determined by the characters that related to plant's morphology (branch angle, under branch height, trunk number and branches rotating) and texture (wood fiber length, compression strength parallel to grain and bending strength), in which morphology places an even significant influence. The suggestions of strengthening the wind resistance ability from three aspects, i.e. tree species selection, planning and maintenance management. This study is valuable for the selection of greening trees, green space planning and design, and maintenance management in the area that affected by typhoons frequently
Key words:  : landscape plant  greening tree  typhoon disaster  wind resistance  plant trait

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