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关键词:  风景园林  环境偏好  恢复性评价  健康效益评估  福道  福州
A Study on the Relationship between Individual Landscape Preference, Perceived Restorativeness Scale and Health Benefits Assessment of Urban Forest Pathway—A Case Study of Fudao
HUANG Yabing,FU Weicong,WENG Yuxi,WANG Minhua
It has been confirmed by substantial researches that the higher the degree of landscape preference is, the better its Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) rating will be. Meanwhile, the higher level of restorativeness is helpful to improve the health benefits assessment by viewers. Based on these previous researches, this study aims to construct a path model among landscape preference, PRS ratings and health benefits assessment of urban forest pathway in an effort to discover their relationships and mechanisms by taking Fudao as an example. The results indicate that: 1) the coherence, legibility, complexity and mystery of urban forest pathways environment could all effectively affect the viewers' landscape preference of urban forest path , on which mystery exerted the greatest influence; 2) the four environment characteristics, "being away", "extent", "fascination" and "compatibility" of urban forest path could all effectively affect the viewers' evaluation on the environmental restorativeness, on which fascination exerted the greatest influence; 3) the landscape preference of viewers to urban forest pathway has a marked positive impact on its PRS rating, and the same as the PRS rating on health benefits assessment; 4) although the landscape preference of viewers to urban forest pathways has no direct impact on the assessment of its health benefits, there is an indirect impact between the two through the intermediary benefits of its PRS rating. Therefore, when planning urban forest pathway, diversity of landscape functions should be taken into consideration with the aim of creating an environment of higher health benefits and finally building up a diversified urban forest pathway landscape with both mystery and fascination.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape preference  Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) rating  health benefits assessment  Fudao  Fuzhou

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