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景观环境常用有机地表覆盖物的吸水 性能研究
关键词:  风景园林  绿地  有机地表覆盖物  雨水  滞留
Study on Water Absorbency of Organic Mulch Used in Landscape Environment
CHEN Chaoping,QIAO Lifang,HAN Yang,JIA Haoran,ZHANG Yichuan
Organic mulch has the function of retaining rainwater and reducing surface runoff. In order to select organic mulches suitable for urban rainwater management, this study selected 16 kinds of common organic mulch materials, and the material density, mass absorbent rate, mass absorbent speed, volume absorbent rate, volume absorbent speed and saturation time were measured. The results showed that: 1) According to the mass absorbent rate, sawdust and peanut shells performed best, and earthworm dung performed worst; 2) Mass absorption speed: The mass absorption rate of each material in 0-10min is the highest, and then the decline is faster. At the time of 10min, the total mass absorbent ratio of 16 kinds of materials accounted for an average of 75.6%, the lowest walnut shell was 51.22%, and the highest compound leafhopper was 89.42%; 3) Volume absorbent rate: The volume absorbent rate of sawdust, earthworm dung, peanut shell and willow bark performed better, and the performance of pine needles and polished pine skin (3-5cm) was poor; 4) According to the volume absorption speed: the volume absorption rate in each material 0-10min is the same as the mass absorption rate, and the volume absorption rate of pine bark (3-5cm), pine needles and walnut shells is minimized. The highest sawdust is 8.83 times that of polished pine bark (3-5cm); 5) Saturation time: The shortest time for peanut shells is 25 minutes, and the longest time for pine shell is 60 minutes. This study can provide a reference for the optimization of organic mulch materials required for urban ground and roof greening.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green space  organic mulch  rainwater  retain

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