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时空数据融合的自然遗产地监测与保护 管理平台设计方案研究
关键词:  风景园林  自然遗产地  监测与保护  管理平台  时空数据  遥感
Research on Platform Design Scheme of Natural Heritage Monitoring and Protection Management Based on Spatiotemporal Data Fusion
XIANG Bo,WEN Ting,GUO Han,LIU Hongchun,LIU Zhi
At present, the focus of the World Heritage is shifting from "quantity" to "quality". The pressure of preserving the natural heritage is increasing day by day. To implement the core strategic credibility and strict conservation of the 5C strategy of the World Heritage Centre, the global world heritage projects need to be subject to regular monitoring, assessment and reactive monitoring of the World Heritage Protection Management Approach. The increasing pressure imposes higher requirements to state parties on protecting, monitoring and managing the world natural heritage. For the management departments, it is getting crucial for them to utilize digital technologies such as remote sensing, geographic information, electronic communication etc., in order to achieve digital, systematic and intelligent management of world natural heritage, realize rapid response, draw up effective protection management measures, improve management efficiency rapidly, and save management costs. This paper analyzes and summarizes the needs of national, provincial and heritage management organization. The demands are related to dynamic monitoring, conservation management, educational display of the world natural heritage. The paper also proposes a data-driven scheme built on integrating and merging the data from spatial, temporal continuous remote sensing and sensor. Furthermore, a comprehensive framework composed of national, provincial and heritage sites, and three tiers management platforms is designed. The comprehensive framework can integrate dynamic environmental monitoring, visual presentation, and the protection and management system, and it will also integrate various business models and fit Chinese natural heritage management system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  natural heritage site  monitoring and protection  management platform  spatiotemporal data  remote sensing

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