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数字化时代的公众参与遗产保护:基于 福州复园路的观察
关键词:  风景园林  数字化时代  数字景观  公众参与  文化遗产
The Public Participation in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Digital Age: An Observation Based on Fuyuan Road, Fuzhou
LIN Yinan
The heritage conservation system of China was traditionally dominated by the government and related departments. In recent years, the public's willingness to participate in the conservation of cultural heritage has increased significantly and has become an important part of the official system. Simultaneously, the rapid development of the digital technologies such as mobile internet, RS tech and oblique aerial photography provide a new platform and technical support for the public. Through the participation and observation of the case of Fuyuan Road, Fuzhou, the paper analyzes the transformation of the public participation from three aspects: the will of the public; the ability of the people; the feedback loop; furthermore, the develop trend of digital technology and public participation was discussed. The researcher considers that: the opening and sharing of the basic data platform is the base for multipartite equal dialogue; the creative using of the digital technology will encourage the public to take part in the engagement; and multiple feedback ways based on the web and new media are necessary for the collective intelligence and public participation in urban planning. The case study can be a reference for the public participation in the cultural heritage in the digital age of China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  digital age  digital landscape  public participation  cultural heritage

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