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城市居住环境植物景观特征对老年群体 社交行为影响研究——以上海虹口区为例
居住区绿地是城市公共绿地的重要组成部分,也是 老年群体使用最频繁的绿地。研究居住区绿地植物景观特征对 老年群体社交行为的影响,对居住区绿地景观设计具有一定的 理论和现实意义。选取上海虹口区的3个居住区绿地进行问卷 调查,结合SPSS统计与贝叶斯网络模型,来综合探索植物景 观的观赏特征与老年群体社会交往行为的相关性。结果表明: 在居住区绿地中,植物景观的植物色彩是对老年人社交活动影 响最大的因子,而植物体量因子对其影响次之。以期为居住区 绿化的服务功能研究提供一定借鉴。
关键词:  风景园林  居住区  植物景观  老年群体  社交 行为  贝叶斯网络
Study on the Influences of Plant Landscape Characteristics in Urban Residential Environment on the Social Behavior of Elderly Groups: A Study of Hongkou District, Shanghai
ZHUANG Yini,CHEN Dan,CHE Shengquan
: Residential green space is an essential part of urban public green space, and is also the most frequently used green space for the elderly group. The study on the influence of the vegetation landscape characteristics of residential green space on the social behavior of the elderly group has specific theoretical and practical significances for the landscape design of residential green space. Three residential green spaces in Hongkou District, Shanghai, were studied with the questionnaire survey, combined with the analysis of SPSS statistics and Bayesian network model to comprehensively explore the correlation between ornamental features of plant landscape and social interaction behaviors of the elderly group. The results indicated that in residential green space, color of the plant landscape was the most influential factor on the social activities of the elderly, and the factor of plant volume factor was the second one. It can provide reference for the study of the service function of residential greening.
Key words:  landscape architecture  residential area  plant landscape  the elderly  neighborhood social interaction  Bayesian network

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