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北海濠濮间与春雨林塘场景增强现实 技术研究
针对目前公众与学界对中国历史园林“时空一 体”“生生不息”“天人之际”理念及其与山水诗、山水画关 系的认知差距较大的问题,提出采用增强现实技术(AR)搭载 园林的历史文化艺术等内容信息辅助认知的解决方式。再现 和强化了对北海东岸2处景点的历史、文化、艺术内涵与实景 的关系认知,为具备较完整遗存的历史名园的AR研究探索思 路,并侧重园林本体价值内涵的展示传播,对历史园林的保 护、利用及研究具重要学术价值和现实意义。内容包括:1)以 北海东岸濠濮间云岫厂和春雨林塘瀑布2个重要场景为研究对 象,考证了其造园立意和价值,阐明前者借景手法,明确春雨 林塘北至摛锦轶云牌坊、南至小石牌坊的景点范围,分析其瀑 布的叠石艺术价值;2)基于以上讨论了其AR搭载内容和构建 方法,即以逆向建模为起点,在中国历史名园AR系统上,对信 息采集层及技术研发层提出了具体技术构建途径,有助提升历 史名园游览的智慧化水平。AR技术将在搭载历史名园海量场景 的历史、文化、艺术等内容的赏景与导览系统上深入应用。
关键词:  风景园林  北海  皇家园林  增强现实技术 (AR)  濠濮间  春雨林塘  场景
On the AR Tech-Implementation for the Representation of the Settings of Haopujian and Chunyulintang at Beihai Park
MA Xiaosong,LIN Xuhui,LIU Zhicheng,LIU Xiaoming
: Currently, there is a big gap between the public and academic communities in understanding of the philosophical ideas and practices related to Chinese historical gardens, such as "Integration of Time and Space", "the Occasion of Heaven and Men", and "Circle of Life", as well as Chinese landscape poems and landscape paintings. This paper discusses two typical settings of Haopujian and Chunyulintang at Beihai Park, which is one of the best-preserved imperial gardens in Beijing. Firstly, this paper examines the garden-making ideas and values of Yunxiuchang at Haopujian and the South Rockory at Chunyulintang. Secondly, based on historical documents and practices, a technical framework of argumented reality (AR) is discussed. Starting from reverse modelling, this framework consists of a middle platform, computer graphic models, algorithms and sensing data (users and contexts), which is a fast and effective pipeline for implementing Chinese Historic Gardens AR system via Unity and Vuforia. Thirdly, the understanding of the scenic spot history, culture, art and reality is strengthened. It looks for ideas of AR usage in the research of historic gardens which are well preserved. It emphasizes the show and transmitting of the history, culture, art of historic gardens, which is conducive to the intellectualization of Chinese historical gardens. It has academic values and realistic roles in the protection of Beihai Park as a historic garden
Key words:  : landscape architecture  Beihai Park  imperial garden  Augmented Reality (AR)  Haopujian  Chunyulintang  setting

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