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高密度城区公园绿地配置公平性测度 研究——以上海黄浦区为例
城市的高密度化发展导致公园绿地资源紧张、人口 分布不均等问题,公园绿地配置的不公平性日益突出。在供需 视角的基础上,将连接因素引入公园绿地配置公平性测度中, 从地域均等与空间公平2个维度构建公园绿地配置公平性测度 框架。同时,将POI大数据与传统年鉴统计数据相结合进行人 口测算,提升了测度量化的精准性。以上海市黄浦区为例,定 量测度步行、跑步和骑行3种慢行交通方式下公园绿地配置的 公平性。研究发现:黄浦区公园绿地配置公平性存在空间异化 特征,高密度城区公园绿地配置公平性由供给因子、需求因子 与连接因子共同决定。为实现高密度城市公园绿地的公平、高 效、可持续发展提供了有益探索。
关键词:  风景园林  高密度城市  公园绿地  可达性  公 平性
Research on the Equity Measurement of Park Green Space Distribution in High-density Urban Areas—A Case Study of Huangpu District, Shanghai
NIU Shuang,TANG Xiaomin
: The high-density development of cities leads to the problems of park green space resource shortage and uneven population distribution, and the unfairness of park green space distribution is becoming increasingly prominent. Based on the perspective of supply and demand, this paper introduces the connection factor into the equity measurement of the distribution of green space in parks, and constructs the equity measurement framework of the distribution of green space in parks from the two dimensions of regional equality and spatial equity. At the same time, POI big data is combined with traditional yearbook statistical data for population measurement, which improves the accuracy of measurement quantification. Taking Huangpu District of Shanghai as an example, the fairness of park green space distribution under three slow traffic modes of walking, running and cycling was quantitatively measured. The results show that the allocation equity of park green space in Huangpu District has the characteristics of spatial alienation, and the distribution equity of park green space in high-density urban areas is jointly determined by supply factor, demand factor and connection factor. The research provides a useful exploration for realizing the fair, efficient and sustainable development of urban park green space with high density.
Key words:  : landscape architecture  high-density city  park green space  accessibility  fairness

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